Saturday, December 29, 2007

Dave recently got to "Jam" with some old friends of his. Although Dave did not play or use his musical talents when in High School, he was able to play with some guys that did play in his youth group 10 years or more ago. All of which are currently serving in a church as pastors.
Both Dave and I grew up in a very powerful youth group. Many of our fellow youth group members went on to serving in full time ministry.
Here are some of Dave's buddies that have followed God's calling into church ministry--

These men were in our wedding 7 years ago. All have wives and babies of their own.

Its comforting to get to sit down with them and share ministry blessings and frustrations. Its great to know we are not all alone in this vast calling!

We had the priveledge to sit down at lunch with one of these couples and catch up. They had such disturbing news. Another buddy of ours (he did not grow up with Dave, we met him at North Central) has fallen badly. He took a position that was perfect for his lack of experience and worked very hard. His youth ministry grew from 20 to over 200 in a quick fashion. I remember hearing about what this power team was doing to get the youth ministry to grow. I'd see them at youth convention year after year bringing more and more kids. I couldn't help but be a bit envious (isn't that rediculous?). However, all that time this up and rising youth pastor was physically and mentally abusing his wife. He was addicted to pornography. He began drinking excessively at the height of his ministry. Eventually, his wife kicked him out, for the safety of herself and her children. He moved quickly to date a very young lady (one who had sat under his ministry and was a family friend). She is now carrying another child of his. And his marriage is officially over.

I am in shock. I never really sat down and talked to this couple. Dave knew them pretty well, but I saw what they did in ministry and almost coveted it. It has really brought me back to reality... God wants to use us, but he doesn't need to! He wanted that youth ministry to grow... and probably wanted to teach the youth pastor something in the process. But when the minister wouldn't listen, God's plan still prevailed for those kids! He doesn't need us! Its our honor to serve him and be used by him. I am in awe of how easily and how quickly (less than 5 years) this family has been torn apart from this man's sins. And his lack of love for his God. I am at awe that this young man got to see miracles, and got to see all the wonderful things God did in spite of his unwillingness to comply to God in his personal life-- yet still he has not turned back to God. He has shown up drunk to his previous youth group, has disrespected, and led his wife away from God. I am appauled. I am sad! I am shocked. I am put in my place! God doesn't need me... he wants me!

I need to begin to pray for my "contemporaries". Pray for their focus on God to remain strong. I need to not look at how well the ministry is going for them, and look deep into their life's (through relationships) and keep them encouraged. I know that this guy's wife never expected this when she went to North Central and met a young pastor in training! I've heard "It can happen to anyone" But I refuse to listen. It won't happen to those that never stray away, to those who dig deeper each day into God's word, to those who keep in honest communication with their savior. It won't happen to those who work hard to stay deeply madly passionately in love with their savior! And with God's help, it won't happen to us!

It stood up to all the hype!
Christmas was amazing. I really was so excited I was afraid I'd be let down (thoughts that should be taken captive). I woke up at 6:15 and Dave tells me to go back to bed and let the kids wake us up. I couldn't go back! So finally at 7, I went in and woke them! Great mom, huh?
We ran into the living room and Zech started sorting through them. He opened his Mr. Potato head first... he was so excited he was finished! Lily just tore through hers, didn't really care much about anything that she opened. She did really enjoy pushing her stroller around. That made her very happy. When she saw that she also got some bells, she was getting into the excitement!
Zech opened the computer, and then finally the planet hero! He was priceless! SO happy! We took it out as soon as possible and allowed him to play. "WHOA-OOOO Planet heros... jibber ganna save the day!" It was so great!
Then we went to Opa and Oma's house. He got the coolest movies (his favorite Toy Story... both of em!) and some shake and crash cars... oh my! Lily likes her electronic games too.
I had to go out and buy some totes just to store it all.
The week was just wonderful. Having Beckie and her new family here and sharing in Rachel's engagement. It was definately a Christmas to remember! I can't wait to scrap the page!
here's a pretty long slideshow... it was a long week!
And what a blessing of one as well!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Just one more Sleep!!!

Well, I guess I must sleep tonight, so thats 2 more sleeps UNTIL CHRISTMAS MORNING!
I really thought christmas morning and all the wonderful things that happen that morning was supposed to be more fun for the kids... I don't think so! As a mommy, it is DEFINATELY true, it is better to give than to receive! I am just overjoyed... and a bit over excited! I really don't even remember everything I got the kids. It's not a ton, but very fun things. I think I bought the toys when we had money, then the money ran out so the other things (like undershirts, socks, shoes, clothes) were not bought. So although I want to watch the materialism that happens at Christmas, and the notion that the kids need more toys, I think all that they will be opening is toys toys toys! And for Zech, they are really great toys! He is going to be SO excited! I just CAN NOT WAIT! I am getting into my crazy, I can't sleep mode! Its bad. I will be a zombie by Christmas night!
But who cares, thats part of the fun... I do some silly things when I get REALLY tired!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


There are many different ways to say "Mommy". There's the sweet gentle way they say it when they want to get out of bed in the morning. There's the distressed call of "MOMMMMMMY" in a panicy voice. There's the over and over and over... and over "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy..." I could go on! There's the Zech's "Mommy, Whatcha doin'" (which even though he says WAY too much, its still VERY cute! There's the first words "ma ma". and the not so pleasant grunting/mad/angry at the world "MOMMY!" Its not always the best name to be called. But, thats who I am. I am the one that helps them out of bed, the one that calms the storms (little baby storms), the annoyed one that has drowned out the repeating saying of my name. I am the busy one, the one in that new baby's gaze, and even the one they get mad at... and mine are all under 3.
Before I had babies, I was Stevie, or Sweetie, or Babe. I was Mrs. Ciske, Miss Stevie, or Hey You! Now, my only name is Mommy. I am sure people call me by other names, but the name of Mommy somehow is said a gazillion more times, a trillion times louder, and carried a ton more weight.
I used to pretend I had tons of babies. I never played "day care". I played "MOMMY". I loved the name. I couldn't wait to get older so that I could be one. It was my one desire. My only care about adulthood. I wanted to be married and be that man's Baby Mommy!
When Zech came, it took him forever to say it. I waited and waited. I am pretty sure he was like 18 months old before he said it. I melted. It was the prettiest name I'd ever heard. Then #2 came and it was her first word. now, its said at least 1 million times a day.
When naming my own children I made sure the names had such great meaning. Names that carried along with them blessings and direction. There is a lot in a name.
So praise God, My name is Mommy! I am just so blessed and so grateful for the title.
I love it when I am kissing Zech's face and in between gasps for breath and giggles he says "mommy!". I love it when Lily is looking for me saying "mama! Mama!" I love it when Zech says "Mommy, are you okay, are you hurt, are you sick..." Ilove it when Lily calls for me from her bed (not really at 2am, but in the morning). I love it when Dave says "Go show Mommy!"
I am humbled to have such a wonderful name!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Come on Lexi

Since my last post, this pooping thing has not stopped. Each morning the routine consists of getting lily up, fighting her squirm away as I TRY to keep poop off the floor, then she gets the bathtub as I rinse out her pants and onsies.
To top it off my Zech, who is potty trained, has it too. he just can't help it. He comes to me as if he's utterly disgusted with himself for pooping his pants,something he has been VERY good in not doing, but he can't remedy the situation. I think I like it better on the babies. The house wreaks! Butts are diaper rashed, and my hands are peeling from washing so often...
Seriously, Lexi, I do not mind losing this competition... I could use a break. Could you take over for a bit? Let your mommy clean it up! he he... just kidding, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy... maybe tomorrow is the day for normal poopies. And NO MORE POOPY POSTS!

Friday, December 07, 2007

To Beckie

A few days ago while at my MIL's house Beckie calls her mom (my MIL) to tell her this horrendous story about how Lexi had a bit of gas, but went to sleep so she "let sleeping babies lie" (Good girl, Beckie) but by the time she got her up she had pooped up her back under her arms and up her chest. I can hear MIL laughing in a sympathetic laugh. When she got off the phone we were talking about how horrible that is. I had mentioned how it never really happened to us. That Zech never did it, and Lily did a little once when Dave fed her an entire jar of prunes that morning.
Lily is a whinner. I've learned to drown it out and get her when its convienent to me. So she gets up super early this morning and is whinning. I let her whine and cry for about half an hour. I finally go in to get her. When I open the door the blast of foul odor reprimanded me for waiting so long. She was covered in poo! I carried her away from my body into the Living room where the diaper wipes were. HA! Diaper Wipes! This was a washcloth/bath job. So I carry her like she's toxic to the bathroom. Lay her down and begin... it was like one of those huge j0bs where you have to decide "WHERE DO I START?" I decided to get the chunks just so I could get her in the sink for her prewash for her bath. Its 6:30 AM! and she is fighting me tooth and nail. Does she really want to sit in this stuff forever? She should be thanking me! She is a year old, although very tiny, she is fiesty, and wiry and strong! I am exhausted! Finally its cleaned up, clothes and diaper bagged up, sheets changed. Dave walks in and is hit in the face as well with this gag reflexing odor. It was REALLY BAD! It was so bad she had a bit of diaper rash on her knees and thighs.
And, Beckie, if you haven't already learned as a mother, Moms are very competetive... SO
I WIN!!!! he he! I hope your beautiful baby girl isn't ever so foul!
Sorry no pictures, I didn't want poop on the camera! he he

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

One Year
My Lily baby is one year old today. It was a great day. She had her cake and ate some, too! I look at her and can't believe its really been a year. She has changed my life completely!
I remember when I got married thinking I never wanted girls. Then when I found out I was pregnant with her I was pretty much convinced she was a girl. I was fine with that. When I had my ultrasound and saw that she was my Lily, it was like instantly I had this special bond with her.
One year ago today (let me tell the story so I never forget) I went in the hospital for our planned C-Section at 12:30. We were prepped, asked a gazillion questions, and finally wheeled back to the OR about 2:45. The tech had some trouble getting my spinal in. I remember how badly it hurt and how it completely scared me to death (Was I supposed to feel every move they made?). I said to myself "if this pain only lasts 10 minutes, it will be so much less than most women go through to get their babies." Finally Dave came in the room which means everything was going smoothly. I felt them tugging, I heard their words (they had a discussion about Tubal Ligation, I interrupted them making sure they weren't planning on doing that!) Then she was born.3:22pm Oh, my! I was breathless! She was so tiny! I expected this big girl... she was tiny and SO beautiful! I couldn't believe how much love I had for her. That thought has never gone away. Her personality is so sweet. She loves to hug and cuddle and snuggle up close. She loves to listen to me wisper in her ear. She loves one on one time. She loves to play, to eat, to follow her brother. And it seems that she will always be a love-er. She seems to love life, even at 1 year old.
She's walking, talking, and is still so tiny! I can't believe how she's made me into such a girly girl! I am SO glad I have a daughter!
Lily 11/20/06

Lily 11/20/07

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Wait a minute God!

Every night Dave and I pray over the kids. We've tried to make it a habit to pray over them as they are awake and let them pray as well (well, Zech, at least) So many times Zech repeats what we say with his little eyes tightly closed . So tonight I knelt by his bed and prayed. In my prayer I had asked for God's peace and involvement in our upcoming "Removal-of-all-pacifiers" event. I said with Zech repeating most of the prayer aloud, "Lord, please be with us as we get rid of all the pacifiers next week--" Zech shouts "Oh! Wait! No no no God! Wait" not wanting to repeat that prayer. I couldn't help but laugh at his candidness. "Oh, no, God don't listen to this madwoman! She doesn't know what she's talking about! No pacifiers! Wait wait wait! That is NOT praying your will-- I'm sure of it!" hehe
Totally priceless!

Friday, November 16, 2007

How many times should I forgive?

Luke 17:4 "And if he sins against you seven times a day, and returns to you seven times, saying, 'I repent,' forgive him."

Today we went to Chuck E. Cheese. It is one of Zech's favorite activities. He looks forward to seeing his best friend. (for respect, I won't mention his name). He recognizes his mom's truck, and shouts with glee "A--- is here!"

Today was a rough day! The two of them played racing games, went down the slide together, attempted to go up in the "maze" together. Then as many 2 year olds do, A-- started having a hard time. First he pulled on Zech out of small frustration. Unfortunately Zech has "nurses elbow" and at any time that elbow can pop out of place (even without frustrated 2 year olds). It causes a lot of pain until we can figure out how to pop it back into place. Even if it wasn't A---s fault , Zech associated the pain with the pull. Then they had a minor pushing match, something we with 2 year olds understand to come and go. However this time, we tried to teach Zech how to use his words. So as he got pushed, he'd say "Stop, I don't like it... don't do it again." Then when it happened again, Zech was at a loss, not knowing what to do.
As the time went on, the two boys got into another tiff. This time Zech was scratched and hit in the hand with an air hockey paddle. Zech was pretty upset. I talked to him and and asked him "Do you think your okay? Can you forgive A---? Zech says Yes, and goes to his friend and says with sad tears "I forgive you!" It was so cute. Unfortunately it made A--- a bit uncomfortable and as many 2 year olds do, kicked Zech is response. Zech was VERY upset and ready to leave.
It was sad. Sad because Zech wanted to play nicely (I think) with his best friend, and sad because A--- is a great and wonderful boy who was having a bad moment or two. His mother was frustrated and blustered (which she doesn't need to be). We get in the car and Zech is reliving the events in his head. Telling me how his hand hurt and how A--- kicked him... then the sweetest thing...
He says "A--- is still my friend." I said that I was glad and reminded Zech that A--- was just having a bad day. Zech says "I fogive him, Mommy. I love A---, he's my friend."
Why can't adults see how one can be having a bad day and dismiss it so easily saying "I love you anyway, I forgive you!" And Zech has the capability to do it 70x7 times! What a great boy!

Just as a note... A--- and his mom are one our greatest friends and I am NOT trying to make them look bad by pointing out the bad day. I have a great and forgiving 2 year old as well and probably next time it will be him that needs the forgiveness. A--- we love you!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Crazier than a Pet Coon

Vera Carmichael. Although there was no mention of her on Google, she is forever in my mind leaving wonderful memories. Vera AKA Grandma Carmichael passed away this morning at 3am. She outlived her beloved by 12 years. I have so many wonderful memories of her. We used to go to her house for a surprise visit. And even though we'd call just moments before showing up, somehow she would have a feast ready for us for dinner. She'd make sure there were enough chairs for everyone, and if there weren't we, kids were delighted to dine on the kitchen floor. Then Grandma would move from her ordinary post at the head of the table and she'd fix herself upon a barstool as she watched and I am sure enjoyed everyone eating. I always wondered if she ate. But one night (it was one of those special occasions when we stayed the night) I got out of her bed to find her sitting yet again at her ordinary post at the head of the table watching her little black and white tv with rabbit ears, eating her PB&J.
It was a very fun time when we stayed the night there. I don't know why I got to sleep in her room, but I always enjoyed her silly stories and the first time I heard a Whippoorwill. At least that's how I remember. She'd mimic the birds call almost identical to the bird. I'd giggle and she'd tell me to stay quiet as she quietly giggled, also.
I've been sharing stories all day with my friends, family, and husband. Stories of our Christmas Eves when she'd put up her ever so shiny Christmas tree and crouch at the base handing out at least 50 or so gifts. All by name, all personally picked out by her specifically for that one child. Even if we all got dolls, she would make sure they were different colors. She'd hand them out to the youngest first, then delight in watching us open them. It was always the most precious doll, not because it was any different than any other doll we had back home, but because she convinced us that she had put careful thought into those gifts... those many many gifts!
I shared the story of the day we visited shortly after my mother's birthday. Grandma looked over at the calendar then surprisingly declared that my mom had just had her birthday. She probably didn't know that without looking at the calendar, but my goodness, she had so many to remember. However, it did not stop her from jumping up (from her ordinary post at the head of the table ) and running into her always stocked "Walmart" room. She returned with a gift just for mom. A toenail polish dryer. It was hilariously great!
I told about her large stash of National Enquirer. Did she really believe that woman claiming to have birthed 12 alien babies at once?
I laughed at the memory of our family trick or treating at her house one Halloween. Mom tried to trick her, trying to see if she could recognize her in spite of her Elvira costume. It didn't take long before Grandma yells out RONDA ELAINE!!!
There are so many stories I could share about this woman, but my favorite that I will never allow myself to forget was when Grandpa was dieing in the hospital. He turned to her and asked "Vera, I was a good husband, wasn't I?" Grandma didn't need to answer, she leaned over him and laid a wonderfully romantic LONG kiss on him. It was quite a long kiss... one that answered the question precisely. Although I was saddened by the news of her passing, I couldn't help but close my eyes and picture her meeting Jesus, and reuniting with Grandpa, where in my romantic imagination, she grabbed him kissed with longing passionate kiss of all kisses!
Jesus, welcome her, dance with her, enjoy her!
My Rapper and Rock Star
Very easy but Very cute!

Friday, October 26, 2007

You Betcha!

I'm not sure where I've heard that phrase (You Betcha) recently. I know my NaNa says it sometimes, but its been awhile since we've heard her say that. But then I remembered that there is a Veggie Tales song that says "Ya Sure, Ya Betcha" (Funky Polka). And so that must be where he got it.
Today Zech woke up from his nap screaming and crying complaining of an itch he had. As Dave investigated, he noticed he was covered in hives. We took all his clothes off to find it was covering over 90% of his body. As Dave looked for Calimine Lotion, I called his doctor. Of course, the doctors had left and I was instructed to take him directly to the Walk In clinic that was attached to the ER just in case the Emergency care was needed. So we dressed him again, and packed the bag and left. He was occupied with the Veggie Tales on the way there so there was a bit less scratching and a lot less screaming.
I prayed that it wasn't worse than I thought, that God would continue to help him not to scratch and that there would be no wait. We got there, there was NO one in the waiting room. We checked in, walked back to triage and checked in. He got a "flashlight" on his finger to take his pulse. The nurse tried to get his temperature by putting the theremometer under his TONGUE (Hello! He's two) But he was a trooper, and she finally took it under his arm. She asked him can you keep your arm down? He says "You betcha!" Then we get to the exam room, the nurse comes in and asks the same questions. His response "You betcha". The Doctor comes in says "Can I listen to your heart?" "You betcha", he states! "can I look in your ears?" He proudly turns his head and says "You betcha!" Zech asks the doctor if he wanted any Teddy Grahams. The doctor declines. At every word Zech speaks, the doctor laughs. He explains that there could be a food allergy, or topical allergy, or it could be a result of the Upper Respritory Infection (which he refered to as URI for about 10 min until I stopped him and asked what the heck the University of Rhode Island had to do with his hives!--URI). So he gave us a prescription for Prednizone to use just in case the benedryl didn't work. So far the benedryl is working. The doctor had to ask Zech just one more question before he left. He asked "Will you take some medicine for Mommy?" Guess what Zech's response was? You betcha, it was YOU BETCHA. the doc leaves laughing. Then about 5 minutes later another nurse comes in saying that Zech is the talk of the floor, and that she had to meet him. She asks him some silly questions to hear his silly response "You betcha!"
He got to go to the store and get some cookies for being such a wonderful young man in the ER. The staff says he behaved better than most adults behave.
The hives seem to be gone, and he's been in a great mood all night. Strong Willed kids can be a wonderful delight as well... (that blog later!)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Our Pumpkin Day

Last Saturday, we went to a local pumpkin patch (well, picked pumpkins) and spent an hour or so just being a family. I figured it wasn't even October yet, so I didn't stress over the perfect pictures... to best tell of our trip here is a slideshow... read the captions for the story...

Our Pumpkin Adventure


I am stewing...

Sometimes I let my heart get away from me. I am great at remembering in my mind all that I've learned (well, most of it) And I can rationalize many things, and remind myself of the TRUTH, but today, I think my heart has some catching up to do.

I have never regretted moving here, and will never. I am so very thankful to be around family and to have met such wonderful friends, and have a town that is so kid friendly to raise my family in. I am so blessed. However, we are a ministry family. And ministry is hard. With Children's Ministry I can blame their parents. I can be frustrated that the parents are not looking at what is best for their children and they are keeping them from coming to any and all events I plan even if its against the best wishes of the child. I can understand the child's unbelief, their constant questions, and their inability to listen to long passages of scripture. However, tonight I found myself convincing my heart what my mind knows and has encouraged Dave with. My heart is tired. I am tired of listening to the sinful escapades these teens brag about. I am tired of hearing "Well, I am not going to believe in that, I don't like what the Word says about that" Do they really think that by not believing, or not liking it that it just doesn't apply to them? And the answer is YES! They actually do. They believe that they get to make up their beliefs, that if you can't see demons, they must not exist. They believe they can take what they want from the Bible and spit the rest in Jesus' face.
I remember once in our ministry grieving over their sin, and their disbelief. I remember pouring my heart out to God begging that they grasp the life He had for them so they could partake in His glorious blessings. Tonight, I was mad. I was so frustrated. I yelled at (well, in a very professional, nicer tone than it sounds) one of the girls. She states how she hates everyone at her school because they are all haters (sounds pretty thought out huh?) And that she was going to start a White Supremacy group (she didn't say supremacy, but that's what she meant... again, not well thought out). I stopped her and asked, "Are you a Christain?" (this girl claims that she grew up in church her entire life, complains about it being pushed down her throat, not realizing she's in our family and that Dave knows how she grew up... again, not thinking!) I reminded her that you can't serve hatred and love. Either you Love God and all the things that come with it (righteousness) or you decide that you are not a christian and stop claiming to be one.
So, instead of joining the bogus discussions (that go on in between the godly points Dave tries to make) I sat on the couch and tried not to chime in (they were in the kitchen).
I hear statement/questions like
"If I date a non-Christian isn't it his sin, not mine?"
"God can't expect (get this... she's telling God what he CAN and CAN'T DO!!!)... God can't expect us to be able to control our thoughts"
"I won't believe in demons unless one stands in front of me" (OH, Be careful!)
"I can't tell someone that they should believe in Jesus, its their choice"
And here's my favorite (NOT REALLY)...
"Since you can't be a Christian and be racist, I guess I am just prejudice"
ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Like I said, as I rant and rave here... I will get to better things, just bear with me... I was tired.
none of these things were ever remotely related to the actual planned topic of discussion for the night, and nothing really was able to be answered since as soon as Dave would begin to speak, they would interrupt with yet another idiotic question.
So, I revealed to Dave what God already knows. My heart needs passion for them again. I need to grieve their sin again. I need to realize we made a commitment not just to the pastor and board of this church, we committed to wherever God would send us, we'd do HIS work. We are called to "Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction." (2 Timothy 4:2). That is where my responsibility starts and stops. We preach the Word, the truth of God (whether they like it, or believe it or not). We prepare at all times reading God's word, praying God's will, then we correct (whether they take it or not), rebuke (even if it ticks em off), and encourage, with great patience and careful instruction. Which is where my heart needs to come back. The rest is up to them.
I need to see their situation and turn my frustration into urgent pray. Praying that they can find true love in Jesus Christ. Focusing on Him first and foremost, allowing all other things to fall into place (including that CHRISTIAN guy to date.) Praying that they will control their thoughts in righteous obedience resulting in a habit of taking every thought captive. Praying that regardless if they believe in demons or are wondering, that they be prepared with the knowledge of their word to combat any attack that comes their way. Praying that they will speak boldly the Word of God bring others to a place where they can hear God's voice and prompting to join in His family. And praying that with their genuine love for Christ, they will in turn love those around them regardless of color, sex, or age.
I tucked my babies in bed tonight with an urgent prayer that they realize God's mighty plan for their lives (Mighty as in that perfect will God has for each of us). And that they run towards righteousness. Hating what is evil, clinging to what is good. God is Good!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

So, I cheated!

Every year I like to take the kids (well, before this year, it was KID) to an apple orchard and take some natural pictures of him picking and eating apples. I love the look of apple trees, I love how Zech eats them, I love the coloring... BUT NO! this year I can't find an orchard close that won't charge $25 to pick, or that even lets you pick your own. So, we went to walmart, bought a basket (which we will take back since we hardly used it!) and some mongo apples. I took the kids to a park and sat them in the yard with 4 apples. Zech began to eat two. One in each hand, alternating apples to bite. Lily tried, but has no teeth, so she just pretended. The lighting was great, the behaviors were compliant, and I think I got pretty good staged pictures.

Here's the Zech story of the week.
He's trucking around walmart carrying this basket. He's about 2 steps behind me reminding me "I'm coming, Mommy!" He walks past a woman in a wheel chair. I stop to see his reaction, hoping its a great one. He passes her and immediately says "Oh, Sorry!" He does it on occasion. Not really touching or bumping into anyone, but apologizes for just passing them (something he gets from his OMA!). He continues to apologize over and over again. They keep telling him that they are okay. Then he proceeds to ask the lady in the wheelchair, very sweetly with his head cocked to the side, "Are you Okay?". They reassured him they were and I hurried him along.
We make it to the apples and the previous couple follows me to compliment me on my VERY polite little boy. She says "I didn't even feel him bump into my chair." (Which he didn't. he's just odd that way! Apologizes for everything) But she continued to tell me how wonderfully polite my baby boy was... made me proud all the same... bump or not!
Then to top off my cute Zech... when we get to the check out, Zech has a nectarine, 3 greenbeans from the produce isle, 2 candybars and some batteries in his little basket. He'd gone shopping! I put everything to the side as he scanned all my items at the self check out. he is very good at it. Scans it, puts it in the basket and when he's all done, checks the bottom of the cart as it tells you to, and then presses the paynow button. Then he's gone! he he!
He's just priceless!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Leaving a Legacy

After leaving my previous blog this morning, Dave shares this story in youth group tonight (for some reason, he does not read my blog... God is just speaking!!!)

Jonathan Edward's Legacy
By Mark Merrill
Have you thought about your legacy lately, in case you haven't, lets start with the basics: Webster's Dictionary says a legacy is something handed down from one who has gone before.
Jonathan Edwards was born in 1703 in East Windsor, Connecticut. He attended Yale University at age 13 and later went on to serve as president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton).
Edwards and his wife Sarah had 11 children. Despite a rigorous work schedule that included rising as early as 4:30 a.m. to read and write in his library, extensive travels, and endless administrative meetings, he always made time for his children. Indeed he committed to spending at least one hour a day with them. And what if he missed had a day because he was traveling? He diligently made up the hour when he returned.
Numerous books have been written about Edwards' life, his work, his influence on American history and his powerful professional legacy. But the legacy that Edwards would probably be most proud of is his legacy as a father.
The scholar Benjamin B. Warfield of Princeton has charted the 1,394 known descendants of Edwards. What he found was an incredible testament to Jonathan Edwards. Of his known descendants there were 13 college presidents, 65 college professors, 30 judges, 100 lawyers, 60 physicians, 75 army and navy officers, 100 pastors, 60 authors of prominence, 3 United States senators, 80 public servants in other capacities, including governors and ministers to foreign countries, and one vice president of the United States.
The story of Jonathan Edwards is an example of what some sociologists call the five-generation rule. How a parent raises their child-- the love they give, the values they teach, the emotional environment they offer, the education they provide-- influences not only their child, but also the four generations to follow. The example of Jonathan Edwards Shows just how rich that legacy can be.
I had to google this man (I wanted to know who the Vice President was)... I didn't find out who, but I did find this...
An article more about his spiritual legacy than anything else. He was a true man of God, and I believe wholeheartedly that the success of his descendants came from the Father that this father served!
WOW! I have a lot to look forward to!
I remember

I remember when my mom used to act like she couldn't remember where our house was. She'd pretend to turn into every driveway until we'd yell, NOT THIS ONE! then we'd have to tell her which way to turn. I don't know if she was just being silly, or trying to teach us something.
I remember my dad giving us all hangers to use as guns and we'd disperse through out the house hiding and sneaking around trying to shoot each other (I am positive he wasn't trying to teach us anything!). I remember planning surprise birthday parties EVERY year for my dad. He worked 2nd shift. So Mom would bake him a cake and we'd get to stay up until he got home (11:45) and we'd decorate and yell surprise when he'd walk in the door.

I know that the amount of good memories far out way the bad ones, even if the bad ones tend to linger a bit longer sometimes. So it makes me think of what we are doing to make memories in our kids' lives. I know that they are so young that they won't remember much. But I do have some vague memories of when I was 2, so its getting more and more important for me to make memories that they will have forever.
Yesterday, Zech had a pretty hard time in the grocery store. Screaming and crying the entire time. I am not sure exactly what triggered it, or what sustained it. But I had prayed that very morning that God would help me to glorify Him in all I do. So I guess maybe God was testing my prayer. Was I truly willing to bite my tongue from yelling, and CHOOSE to glorify Him, or would I fly off the handle and yell at my yelling son? I think I stayed pretty calm. I kept reminding him that he needed to behave to get treats. He would calm down and I would praise him for being such a quiet good little boy. Then the next grocery store we only needed 3 things, so I let him walk around (hoping to give him good memories) He was not the best behaved child! So when we got back in the car, I took the DVD player away. I told him that his behavior wasn't good enough to get good treats. He was furious. And without really thinking about it, I said
"I know you want the DVD player, and Mommy would love to give you good things that make you happy. But sometimes when you choose not to listen, the blessings are not there when you want them." Not the words I usually use for a 2 year old. But it spoke volumes to me.
I want to bless my kids, I want to give them all their desires. But that isn't' always best. Same for us. God would love to give us good things that make us happy, it is his ultimate plan. But sometimes when we don't listen to His words, His promptings, His reprimands, blessings are not there when we want them.
I want to give my children memories, memories of their parents choosing to listen to the words of God and following them. I hope someday they will look back and remember all the great and God glorifying times they've had with us... as they make some for themselves!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Element

I've been wanting to write this blog since Saturday night. So, its a bit late... I just don't always get the time to get on here! Someday, I will get a desk and get the computer upstairs!

Anyway, Dave's boss had a BBQ at her house Saturday night. I was really nervous. I wanted to look nice for the party, and make a good impression on the boss, and make Dave feel proud. Its been a long time since I've met new people and felt so nervous. We talked about how no one would be real Christians (by real, I mean practicing-church-going- daily-devotion-christians). We discussed that there would be alcohol and I warned Dave about my fear of drunk people. He assured me that his boss would most likely not have drunken parties and I was fine.
We get there, and she shows us to the kitchen so we can get some food and drink. The cooler, she says, has beer and wine coolers "and maybe some soda". The BIG gaterade container had blah blah (I can't remember) "Rum and some other alcohol" in it and the pitcher had Sangria ( don't know how to spell it, but I knew it was alcoholic). So I open the cooler and find a Diet Caffine Free Mountain Dew (seriously, whats the point?) and an Orange Shasta, the only two sodas... So thats what we drank.
We then sat and listened and had conversations with the higher-ups in Dave's company... Hearing the F word more times than my fingers can count, along with every other cuss word I can think of.
It was so odd for me. My ears cringe each time I hear it. I am not used to that kind of language in my world where "suck" and "crap" are majorly BAD 4 letter words! I was just so out of my element. That made me so terribly uncomfortable. I later told Dave how it made me feel. Not that I don't think his co-workers (bosses) are halairious... they would have been just as funny minus the nasty words. I'm just not used to it. If I am not surrounded by Christains in a church setting, or in friends' homes, I am surrounded with Mommies. Mommies who make a conscious effort to curb their language. I mean, really, I don't even hear the bad 4 letter words (Crap and Suck!)
Not that I don't want to EVER be around those not like me. I see the need for that kind of fellowship. I just don't like the language. Funny thing, I could handle the amount of alcohol more than I could handle the amount of the F-bomb!
I guess I just like my little element. I will step out only for a bit.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My 51st Post!!!

That is not my topic, but I just realized it said that I had 50 posts... is that possible?
Well, I was sent this really cool and amazingly cute UTube video and I wanted to share...

I don't know if it will work... here is the link just in case...

Although I do not have ANY problems with my children and bedtime, This song was just so great to all Mothers and Fathers that are tired of all the whining and crying.
What got me the most was that it was a daddy. And how he talked about going to work with Shrek in his head. I know my husband goes to work with "I don't have a Belly Button" by Boyz inthe Sink in his head. And lately with such a crazy work situation, I'd imagine he wouldn't mind coming home and hearing a bit from his babies.
I appriciate the Daddies who work for us and who help with the bedtime routine, and the dinner routine, and the potty routine, and the "where-the-heck-is-lily-&- what-is-she-eating" routine!
He is the reason I love my job! The reason I adore my children and value a buck and get to lay in my pjs all day (if I want... which I never do... he he!)
My Man... This video is a tribute to Daddies everywhere who love their families even when the whining crying fit throwing never ceases!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I am NOT saying what it sounds like...

I just want to make it clear from the beginning that what is about to be said does not mean what most people would think it means...

I miss being pregnant! ha ha! I love every part of it, even when it hurts and causes siatica and leg cramps and FATness, I still love it. My sister-in-law is in town, 26 weeks pregnant. I want to talk about it all the time. I find myself saying things like "When I was pregnant...." Way too much! I want to touch her belly and make the baby move! But I remember "when I was pregnant" I didn't like that, so I didn't ask!
Being around her and having discussions about babies and giving Nick some odds and ends "knowledge" (like not to feed a baby out of the babyfood jar unless you plan on finishing it, or not to put blankets in the crib... or the all important, some baby girls can have mini-periods after birth) has made me appriciate motherhood. It can be so hard, and SO fun! It can be so stressful, and so peaceful. You can be the source of much anger, but also be the one they want when they are hurt.
As I've been writing, Zech has been such a handfull, but this entire week has been WONDERFUL! He has been a big boy, short tantrums and quick learner. He is realizing how much fun things other than tantrums are and he has embraced that. He is the object of the family's attention, smiles, "ahhh"s and entertainment. He's my Zech again. And for me, thats a HUGE success in motherhood.
All that being said, I don't want another baby right now! I'd love it if that is what God surprised us with, but I hold lily and cuddle with her, and I need her to be the baby for a good while. I think she needs to be the baby for a good while. She is just so loveable, so cuddly, so adorable, and halairious! She is hard to describe but I can see something in her that totally amazes me.
I have been learning to seek out the "reasons" or the SONshine in the storms, so I look at Zech's intense personality and praise God for the passion he will have towards his savior, and the anger he will have towards sin. and that gets me through the (almost non-existent) temper tantrums. I look at Lily's constant clinging as how she will cling to her savior. How she won't settle for anything else, and will work her way up to HIM, staying face to face with Him as much as possible. And that gets me through the lack of space for the day.
Oh, how I look forward to my next pregnancy... but Oh, how I bask in the TODAY and the wonderful kids I already have!

Monday, July 23, 2007

I Just Want to TRY!!!

I gave my husband a huge lecture in the car yesterday about a comment he made "I know I should" in regards to how we need to act as Christians. But then that "should" comment was followed by "I'm not going to". There are times when I think my husband throws fits just as much as my two year old son, just in less of a screaming-and-crying-throwing-yourself-on-the -ground way. However, back to the lecture and the message behind it... My lecture was in esssence telling him how bold it is to say aloud that you know God wants you to behave in such a way as to glorify Him, but you flat out ignore Him... not only ignore Him, but say a big fat NO! to him. You tell God, "Yes, I know you want me to do that... but I WON'T" Isn't that disobedience ending in deliberate sin? (Well, as you all know I LOVE my husband and always watch myself as to not bash him in any way. I admire his honesty, and the way that even though my lecture was more of a womanly reprimand, and probably annoying as all get out... I could tell he did try to do what he should do... and therefore, I am VERY proud of him... not only for listening to ME! But for listening to GOD! But... my husband is NOT what this blog is about...)
I have been praying for guidance when it comes to my son. I think he has the best personality and that his intensity will pay off in the long run. That it will serve him well at whatever he does later on in life. But right now, he is having a really hard time controlling that intense behavior.
I had a dream a few nights ago that is still stuck in my head. A large wolf like person came into his room as he lay asleep and began throwing him against the wall, and hitting him, and hurting him. As I came in the room I rebuked this demon and tried to mend the hurts... but he was not hurt. I was not scared, I was not angry... I just prayed. When I woke up, I was not emotional, I did not run to his bed side like I think I would have had it been a real "BAD" dream. It was almost like God was giving me some insight. However, I am still praying for more of it.
I know I should do more. So I decided I would make the effort and DO more. So I scheduled out my day. I got some chores done during breakfast, got the kids dressed, and got ready myself. Then when Lily went down for a nap I decided to spend some good ole alone time with Zech.
We painted. He threw a massive fit just getting the smock on. Then he calmed down and painted. When that was over we played in the sink to wash off (for over 15 minutes... with the water running) He threw a massive fit getting out of the sink. I got him dressed and picked out some fun books. He ran from me. I followed and read them any way. He listened some, but mainly stayed away and played cars. When I played with him he was angry that I didn't go the right way. I tried.
We had a blast dancing and playing before dinner. I was so pleased. I'd forgot about the morning. He played at Kids Club... was a perfect angel! We went to the park, he met a new friend... He was VERY nice to the boy. He shared his goldfish with his sister, held her on the swings, laughed, slid down the HUGE slide... HEAD FIRST (scared Mommy!). And I was high on pride for him!
So I thought it'd be nice to go to the store just the two of us. He threw a fit the entire time we were in the store. I tried!
Then we came home, and he went straight to bed. However an hour later he was still playing. I opened his door and asked if he'd like to have a special treat and get up and take a shower with Mommy. He was so excited. Acted so grown up. "Oh, yeah, Mommy. I need a shower." As soon as we get in there, he starts screaming hysterically! I can't figure it out. Maybe its just alone time with Mommy! But, Lord, I am trying! And I want so bad to succeed! I will follow YOU, O Lord! And if you want me to, I will try again tomorrow!

Saturday, July 14, 2007


I wanted to jot down some of the cute things that have been happening lately, before I forget them all... but this is the closest thing to "jotting" that I can get to...

His phrases are halairious-- "Uh, What'd you say?", "What are you talking about?" in the most adorable little attitude.
We went to Oma and Opa's this week to avoid the windows guys and Zech was hollering for Rachel, he yells "Rajigga! Rajigga, where are you?" Then goes and looks for her... in the toilet. He is intently looking down the toilet yelling "Rajigga, you down there?" It was so cute!
My new saying for him is "I will listen" when he gets out of his room for not listening. So we are heading to play group and I say "Are you going to be a good boy and be a good listener at play group?" He says in complete sentence with perfect pronunciation "I will be a good listener at play group, mommy!" And he was!
We watched Dr. Phil and he was convinced it was Papa. He actually argued with me. Finally he conceeded, "It's Octer Phil!" and daily says "Its not Papa, its octer phil"
He walks up to the oldest lady in church and calls her Oma. Oma is a young woman, so he must already make the connection that oma means grandma. He made the lady very happy!
He sits at the table and re-enacts scenes from Toy Story or Little Eistiens. He likes to pretent to shake a ball, get angry at it, throw it then react to the ball knocking a toy off the shelf (all this done with NO props) then yells for buzz's help. Or he likes to sing a made up song about the purple plane from Little Einsteins that day.
He made up some silly joke at the table the other day and made Lily crack up, so in turn Dave and I cracked up. So now he is constantly telling this joke... it goes like this... "WATER-JUICE!"... pretty halairious huh? He sure thinks so!
There are more but its getting late!
here are a few quick ones from Lily

She likes to fake cough and grunt to get your attention. Then she laughs when you look at her. She is starting to fake whine/cry just to get you to play with her. Then she bounces around like a monkey.
Tonight she got up on her knees and tried to scoot to daddy, laughing the entire time! She also likes to stand and then "jump" as I sing "Jump, jump, jump for Jesus". She bends her knees and stands as a jump.
Every night at the table she just randomly laughs to get Zech to do something to make her laugh even harder. They are the cutest!

Well, my husband is waiting for me so we can watch a movie! Gotta go!

Why do moms always have to feel guilty... or maybe its just me! Why do I always have to feel guilty. This may go on for awhile. I haven't blogged in a long time!

About two weeks ago, I had asked my wonderful husband when he'd be home the next day. He gives me this "between 3 and 5" answer! What kind of answer is that. I can hear in his voice that he is peaved at the even mention of it. So I ask him why he's upset. He goes on to say a bunch of stuff that prompts me to remind him that when he works late, I work late. Then he says it... "But you get nap time!" Oh, it was gone. My "trying- to -say- everything- in- a -good -tone" moment was gone! I reminded him that nap time is cleaning time. And dinner preparation time, and that not always do both kids nap at the same time. And hold on... do you know what he said next (or sometime in the conversation)? "For someone who has her 'dream' job, you sure do complain all the time". I completely lost it. I wanted him hurt. I wanted to beat him up. I wanted him to leave, but still stay there to hear me scream at him! Zech is going through one of the roughest times and when I vent to my co-parent, I am labeled a complainer! We argued some and I said it'd be different if I had another parent working with me. I didn't mean it as mean as I am sure it came out (and I am sure at the moment I wanted it to sound mean). But as we semi-appologized I told him I didn't mean it completely. I meant that during the day I have to make decisions immediately... its MUCH different than his job... and its not just a job for me, these are MY kids, HIS kids! He says he didn't mean all the time...
Well, since then, I can't keep myself from feeling an intense guilt. I know that the argument is over, I have even talked to him a bit about it the other night. But if I am not cleaning or mothering, or doing something I feel like he is looking at me like I am a slacker. I asked him to clean the kitchen today and it took everything in me to lay on the couch and rest (I had cleaned the other rooms). I was so afraid he thought it was my job and that I was lazy.
So, I am dealing with that. the argument is over, I am not mad at him. I know it was a heated discussion that things were said out of anger, and that my "job" lasts MUCH longer than his 8 hours, and so be it. I am not complaining or comparing. But I feel guilty everytime I feel like I need a break.
So... I joined a gym. One hour a day away from the kids. I LOVE it! but of course, you guessed it. I am fighting my guilt for putting them in daycare for a measly one hour. I think of the time it takes out of our morning or afternoon and feel like I am cheating them... BUT I can reasonable remind myself that the hour a day helps with Lily's separation anxiety and Zech social skills. What a great thing I am giving to my children. So why feel guilty? I feel like I should rush through the workout so I can go get them. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! I won't do it. And I know I am irrational. So that's a good step, knowing a am completely insane!

So I pray... there is no room for guilt. I let God convict me and the guilt can go back to hell with its author!

Monday, July 02, 2007


Before I was a Mom I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom - I had never been
puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put them down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom -
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.
Before I was a Mom -
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known
the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, before I was a Mom.

I got that off someone's MySpace. And there is so much I could add, and some I could correct for me!
Let's make some corrections:

I never knew I would love being a Mom.-- I loved being a mom before I was a mom. I lived so many silly moments in my head... what I didn't know was that those moments were just in my head, that its so much more REAL!, but I always knew I'd love it this much! What a blessing! And the most wonderful job ever!

I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.-- Ya know...I was surprised, but I never did this. I never got up to "double check". We prayed over our kids everynight (and still do for lily) that God would be their breath, that they would take each breath as God needed them to, and I left it in His hands. There was nothing more I could do. So I went to bed, and trusted that if God needed me to run in and get them, He'd let me know. And for Zech, he did. I woke rather abruptly with the feeling "GO CHECK!" I ran in there and he was caught in his bumper face first. I removed the bumper, thanked God and went to bed. (this goes along with my first addition to the list)

Here are my additions:
Before I was a Mom, I didn't know what complete trust in God was!
I had never craved other mother's company before.
I had never talked about my or anyone elses breasts before (it happens in almost every play group, someone is discussing their breasts!)
I had never looked so far into the future with so much anticipation.
I had never really thought of who we voted in as president until I realized that he was in charge of the world MY kids lived in.
I never carried a purse... let alone a suitcase everywhere I went.
And I never blogged about ONE topic for so long! he he
Boy, I love being a mom!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Nothing much to say... just wanted to put these pictures of the kids up... I needed to see their cute beings!!!


Tomorrow I am declaring a day off! HA HA! Tonight we had a concert on the lawn. I loved the concert and the people on the lawn... and as unfortunate as this is... All I could do was pray to God that He'd bring my Zech back!
It was a beautiful night. The music was great. I couldn't tell you one song they sang, my head was in a fog. My wonderful little boy has left the building. He ran from me at every chance. Refused to listen when I talked, and even hit and pulled my hair. Dave seemed to get peaved at me for getting upset, but Dave doesn't go through what I do day in and day out. I see kids that misbehave... its usually from parents who haven't taught their kids obedience, or they are not consistent with the consequences... I have done nothing but that. I have given reasonable boundaries, I have given the same consequences for the same behavior... and nothing works. I feel utterly hopeless... but I can handle that.
I just miss my son! I want to have fun with him. Hug on him, love on him. I am TIRED! I don't want to raise my voice, I don't want to spank, I don't want to run after him praying he won't run onto the highway. I am Tired! I feel like I pull on his arms, shirt, leg constantly to get him to go and stay where I need him. I miss my fun boy! Where is he!? I am tired!
Lord, my prayer has always been for him to Hate what is evil and to cling to what is good. I have always asked that he find delight in doing good. That he is a good listener and an even better obey-er. That he would learn to behave in such a way that it comes naturally that he would listen and obey you. I am scared. I am just so scared. I don't want him to run from you, to fight your every command. To defy your guidelines. Please, God, Help him. Bring him back! I have always said he is the most obedient wild child. He may run and jump and play wild, but he has always been a great obedient boy. Bring that baby back to me! Give me clues. I need techniques and strategies so I can teach him. Lord, let this be a reflection of how his relationship with you will be. One that is quick to obey, and that does so out of joy. That is what I pray for Zech. He needs your touch. I need your touch. I am tired. I feel so weary, and I am afraid I will fall. I don't know how long I can stand. Be my legs, be my mind, be my strength. I need you so bad!--

Friday, June 15, 2007

Bad Mother!

I know that for the MOST part I do not consider myself a bad mother. I feel good about the fact that I make a conscious effort to be the best Mom I can on a daily basis... but it didn't work today! Without any excuses, I will not list what Zech did... it doesn't matter, I was NOT a good mom today. I hate yelling. I hate what my voice sounded like as I did it, and I hate that I failed in a split second. That I didn't take time to love on someone I love with every last fiber in my being! I hate that my anger was taken out on a tiny baby boy. I never spank in anger. I know that my hands can express the anger and could hurt him, so I have and will NEVER do it! But I have never heard myself as I did today. I have cried most of the day because of it.
I always say, "Lord, Just let the good things always make the few bad things in my parenting fade away." And I prayed that with all my heart today. Even when I stopped to pray and felt undercontrol, I lost it again. It is not who I want to be, or who I EVER want to become. My house should be a safe haven. That is what I have always felt God has called our house to be. To youth, to church members, to my husband, to my children. I can't imagine what he felt as I screamed at him. And it literally tears me up inside. I
I have asked forgiveness many times. And I know that some kids have it WAY worse. They are hit and kicked and abused. But I won't say "I only yelled" because in the standard God has put on me, I disobeyed! I did what I know God has called me to be above. I am not trying to be "holier than thou" I am just saying that I KNOW God has called me to be a mother who acts in the way HE wants me to act. And screaming at my kid is not one of them. These children are gifts from God, how dare I! And again, I ask forgiveness. I know He forgives, and I know from the great and wonderful hugs and kisses and fun we've had since, Zech forgives. But I have not let go yet. And maybe for a reason. Maybe God is allowing me to be sensitive so I will always remember THAT incident, the look on Zech's face, the tears on his shirt, the hug afterwards, so I will remember that they are babies. That deserve nothing but my love and guidance. And that it is my obligation to protect them from ever having to be yelled at by anyone, let alone me!
So, I appologize to God, and to my son! I will do my VERY hardest to NEVER do that again!

Monday, June 11, 2007


So what, most of my blogs are about potty training! We made the mistake of taking a break for the weekend! Zech was not happy to resume potty training this morning. He fought me hard! I cried. He cried... Dave got on the internet! Yeah, I am still a bit peaved... but I emailed him and politely asked him not to do that EVER again!
I've been praying instead of losing it. I keep the smile on my face and grit my teeth underneath! I read the book on how to do it in 4 hours. As I read it I had my doubts. It sounds like Lily could do it. But a stubborn boy like Zech... ah, no! We are supposed to stay in one room and do nothing but potty train all day. We talk about dry pants, eat snacks and drink drinks and check our pants with the only interruption being going to the potty chair every 15 min. Zech can't stand to stay in one room. He wanted his toys, and he HATED when I mentioned his underware! Even if he was dry! He hated to sit on the potty and he hated to clean up his mess. So I eased up on the dry pants talk. Let him play a bit and still encouraged the snacks and drinks. He held it until I put him on the potty, screamed when I made him attempt to pull up his pants... but a majority of the time, he pottied in the pot. Not the potty chair like the book says... he refused! But in the big potty... And he gets down flushes and washes hands. Thats fine with me. He was dry for over 3 hours. He is napping in undies. And once he even came and got me to take him... and once he held it from his room to the living room potty without an accident! (I tried to put him on the potty right by his room, but it didn't have the child seat, so he waited until he got to the other one!)
My goal (and my prayer) is to keep on him, going every 15 min. Even after nap and all day tomorrow... then testing it and seeing if we can go to Oma's house on Wed. so we can practice away from home (but still in someone's home)... God! Help me!!!
And expect more potty blogs!!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

By Golly... I think its catching on!!!!

Its 10:30 and so far dry undies!!! He is showing signs when he has to go (grabing himself, whining or coming to get me) and he's successfully gone pee pee 5 times this morning. I am very impressed. Like I said, I think he's a fast learner and he will catch on. Not to mention the amount of time in prayer!

Well, as I typed this... he grabbed himself a bit too late and peed in the floor... Oh well!!! 5 times to one isn't bad!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Potty Training!!!

Yipee... I mean, oh-my-goodness, this is frustrating! I wanted to do the potty training in a day, but didn't get the book yet. So we tried anyway. We've been giving salty snacks (not that interested) and sugary, fun drinks (tea, lemonade, juice). I put him on the potty every 15 min until he pees then go 30 min. He hates leaving his game to sit on the toilet. But we've been singing songs, reading books, playing with flashcards... nothing, nada, zip! He pees 5 min after he gets down! Or, I miss it because I am feeding Lily and he goes 20 min instead. AHHHH! And its only been 5 hours! I am doing laundry, he's almost out of shorts. I have faith that it will get better. He's been a fast learning on most everything else. And did I honestly think he'd be potty trained by a trainer that knows NOTHING in 5 hours. NO! So we continue... no more diapers!!! And I mean it!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Ciske Vacation!

Day 1: We got to St. Louis, couldn't check in to the hotel, the money we deposited in our new account WASN'T counted as it was supposed to so we had no money! We went to the mall for dinner and to let Zech get off some energy, then went to my moms. Good thing she loves us. Other than seeing the kids with their Pops and Mimi... that was the first day.

Day 2: We went to church at Christian Chapel. The sermon was good. He's a good preacher, we were just tired. And the 2nd point didn't start until 40 min into the sermon... but it was good. We took a good afternoon nap, and "hung out".

Day 3: We went to a BBQ at my friends. It was like a reunion... it was wonderful! I miss those people like mad! I love where I am, but I always loved it here... mainly because of the people. I can't always tell if they love me or if their love for Dave rubs off and overflows to me. Either way, I love that they love my family! We stayed the night at our friends. So nice of them. Zech loved having the sleepover, even if the girls were a bit too loud during Seasame Street. He wanted them to come with us the next day... they wanted to come too. I wish they could have, I just adore that family!
Lily made a friend too. Aren't they cute!? Lily wanted that pacifier!

Day 4: the ZOO!!! We didn't see all that we wanted too. The zoo slogan is "Come out and play" but the animals didn't do their part! We wanted to see the Rhinos... it was gone. we did see a Hippo. It was hidden.Can yousee it?
I thought it was a rock until it moved. Zech was just as amazed. We saw elephants and butterflies... one landed on my sholder, Zechs expression was priceless!

It was getting pretty hot! The kids were a bit crabby towards the end, and of all things, I ran out of battery on my camera! DEVASTATING!!! So we skipped the arch and went to the mall. Zech was tired!
That night Lily started running a very high fever. We didn't have a theremometer, but I could feel her poor hot head! the night was a rough one... even with tylonol. I just wanted to cry. i can't stand to have sick kids!

Day 5: We went to the Magic House. It is a wonderful place for kids. I was so excited. Zech had a rough time. He pushed tiny babies down for looking at him wrong. We made sure we kept our cool and got our $22 worth (we did, its a great place) and left about 2 hours after we arrived. Zech liked the water best.

Lily's fever was 102.2. And Zech got a spanking for being so bad! I sat on the phone with my doctor, the insurance company and the nurse's line for a bit more than hour to find out where the line is drawn where she's safe and when she needs to go to the ER. One last dose of Tylenol and the fever was gone. By bed time she was as good as new! Then Zech felt warm... 104.6! The motrin brought it right down, but again we had a rough night. We are thinking of checking out early if we have to stay home with a sick kid.

Day 6. Zech's fever seems to be fine as long as he keeps motrin in him. So we are going to attempt the Science Center with my parents today. Lily is feeling much better...

Zech is fine, but I still don't think he feels the best. It was fun though. He saw a huge T-Rex and we found that he is actually scared of something.

Day 7: We met our old pastors for lunch. they are such wonderful people and I miss them so much. I don't know why I don't stay in touch with them. They have always treated us like family. Then we headed back to my parents where the weather was perfect for swimming. Aren't they so cute in their suits??

Day 8: Monica Graduated! She sat there through 640 graduates... she should get a prize for that.

Day 9: What a day! It was almost the best one! We went to St. Peter's AG in the morning. It was so refreshing. It just kept that memory alive for me... something to continue to pray for as our church grows. Then at night we went to Trinity. It was a time of closure for us. It was so nice to see everyone as they wondered how it was possible for us to have TWO kids. It was a blast.
Well, thats it in a nut shell... was a bit pressed for time. We are still recovering... But I have jotted stuff down that I really want to blog about... so stay tuned!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Philipians 4:6

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

I've found myself using this verse a lot. For instance, I would get anxious over the American Idol finale. I would find myself praying for Blake Lewis, then realizing it was just a show... but I had already prayed, there can't be any harm in that, just a bit silly.

This time it was our finances that weren't being counted in our account. It came across my mind many times. I prayed each time. "Just let it be there!"
Dave checked last night and its all there... even the $40 that wasn't supposed to be added until friday. There is no reason why it should be added in the middle of a holiday weekend. But it did! God is good, and we can let out a sigh of relief!
Plus, we booked a nice hotel for our last night of vacation for $34. We saved some moola!!!
Today we head to our friend's house for a Trinity youth reunion! We are SO excited! just a couple more hours! I will update next weekend! we are looking forward to the rain staying away and us having a blast!!!

Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!