Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Queer

There are many words a young boy can pick up being the youth pastor's son. There are the normal words like "Suck" and "Stupid" that I expected I'd have to deal with. And I am quick to correct any youth who attempt to use the real 4 letter words. But I never expected to hear my 2 year old exclaim, "Look, Mommy, its a queer!" Uh, What? Tell me again? "A Queer!" He was very proud of his discovery of a real live "queer". I racked my brain wondering where he would have heard a word like that. I KNOW we don't say it... (I am aware that "Suck" and "Stupid" do accidently come out of our mouths)... but Queer? I know better. Not to mention, where is he seeing one? So finally his diaper is changed he stands to his feet and points to the celing...
Yes, I laid down to take the picture, so you could see what he saw...
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Guess what? Its a QUEER!!! I mean Square! What a genius! I am taking credit and am not allowing Mickey Mouse, or little Einstiens... I let Zech play with a magnadoodle in Wal-mart the other day as we shopped. And I drew shapes as he called out what they were. So, I taught him that! he he! A proud moment (after realizing your son doesn't see invisible queers!)!

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Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!