Wednesday, March 07, 2007

No Need for Dr. Phil!

I DVR Dr. Phil and I've noticed a huge trend. He has some pretty messed up people on his show! And I thought about how I would never get on his show. Not that it bothers me much, he disappoints me quite often with his watered down baptist faith. However, if I look at my life and even accentuate the negative... I am proud to say I will still never make it on the Dr. Phil show!
  • I get angry when my precious baby wakes me in the middle of the night (JUST TO GET THE PACIFIER BACK!). I sometimes even shout from the kitchen SHUT UP!
  • I don't always get in the shower, put on clean clothes, brush my teeth, and straighten the house until minutes before my husband gets home.
  • I don't always stay on top of the laundry, and we end up fetching our clothes from the dryer instead of the dresser drawers.
  • I sometimes yell at my children, and even get short with my husband.
  • I forget to make important phone calls.
  • I eat too much during the day (and at night)
  • I will forget to change the kids diapers until they have exploded.
  • I am over weight
  • I don't always pick up the phone when it rings, even when its beloved family members.
  • My room is messy sometimes.
  • There are days I forget to read stories to my children.
  • I often neglect my husband...
  • No matter how angry I get at having to get up, I always pray over her as I rock her, and ask forgiveness for telling a 3 month old to shut up!
  • My husband loves me even when I stink!
  • I do get the laundry washed and dryed (most of the time!)
  • I show much love to my children MANY times a day, and I always give my husband a kiss good-bye and good-night
  • I talk to my sister every day!
  • I buy healthy snacks
  • There are many days when I have a perfect schedule and every diaper gets changed in a timely manner
  • I am on a healthy diet (right now at least)
  • I always call family when I've missed them
  • I am a good housekeeper (for the most part)
  • We end each day with our kids with devotions and prayer. Zech can even pray!
  • I actively think of ways to better love my husband.
  • I am in love with my Lord and Savior!

And if that can't get me on Dr. Phil, I don't want even try! His show can keep their freaks!

1 comment:

JCsings4Him said...

I love your page...and I had forgotten that you had one!!!! This is wonderful and I can whine all I want and it's okay!!

BDILE is Best-Daughter-in-Law-Ever...but maybe I would want a really cooler name for you, like shutterbug or scrap-n-shutter. Weird!!

Check out Terri's, if you get a chance: it's good, and she has lots of pictues, too!

I love your blog about the was a wonderful day fo' sho'!!!!!

Love you...

Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!