Sunday, March 04, 2007

He's TWO!!!

Two years ago today, at this time (10:30 pm) I was staring down at this new baby born just that day to me! I remember asking God to help me be a good mom, to show me the correct way to handle those sticky situations, to love him even when I am mad, and even when he is bad. I remember thinking that he wouldn't stay little forever so I needed to remember every move he made and every cute little smirk on his face. I remember fearing that I'd forget what he looked like if I let the nurses take him to the nursery.
Now, he's two!
He is very nurturing, yet wants to have his space. One minute he can be screaming at another kid for standing in his "area" and the next moment he's running to his sister asking "Whats that matter?" as she cries. He is very energetic. Loves to run circles around the house. He goes from one activity to another and yet he still loves structure. He likes if I can keep him on a schedule and if we vear away, he will definately let me know. I would say he's a strong willed child. And I praise God that there are certain things that are actually working when it comes to discipline. I just know that this strong willed trait will some day be a huge blessing to his life.
He has begun to really talk, repeating most of what we say... which is not always a good thing, unfortunately. He told me this morning, "Happy birthday to me?" So I had to sing the song to him again. Something I will do everyday if I get to see that wonderful smile! And then he tries to sing it back. He is just just a spectacular boy.
Now as we enter the TERRIBLE TWOS, I find myself with somewhat the same prayers as when he was born. I ask God to continue to give me godly wisdom to be a good mom, to show me the correct ways to discipline, that he will see my love even when I am mad, and know he is loved even when he is bad. I look at him and see him growing so fast and pray I can capture every cute saying and every new adventure a 2 year old goes through. I no longer fear that I won't recognize this gorgerous little baby, for now he is such a unique boy.

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Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!