This is a picture of Jesus. He is God's son. he was sent to earth to seek and save those who can not get to heaven because of their sins. (Luke 19:10). God sent his only son so that whoever believed in him would have a chance to go to heaven (John 3:16) He died so that you could have all your sins (bad things) forgiven. He was our payment for sin (Romans 6:23). he died for YOU! because he loves you so much! I even say "He died just for Zech!" "He died because he loves Lily so much" (isn't it wonderful that you were on His mind?) I explain even the grusome details. That He was nailed to the cross, was hit, was spit on, was made fun of... and He still did it because He wanted to see us all in heaven with Him.
After Jesus went through so much pain and suffering, he died. (Flip the cube)
He was put in this tomb. The guards worried people might come and take Jesus' body, so they guarded the tomb. They made it nice and secure so no one could come in! BUT (oh, how I love this BUT!!!!!)
Flip cube out...
Jesus ROSE FROM THE DEAD! He was no longer dead! he rolled that stone away! Jesus is ALIVE! Ya know why its important that he is alive? It means we serve a living God. One who hears us, who still loves us, who can speak to us. He has overcome the grave! He is ALIVE (Now, seriously, this is exciting!) Because He died to pay for our sins, and because He rose He is a living God... (Flip cube)He has made a way for us to get to heaven! Although the cross isn't Literal passage way... He made it this easy! The symbol of a cross has become our way to heaven! And now we have full access... You just have ONE thing to do! (flip cube now...)
We just need to grab His hand! We need to decide to let God come in. And let him be the leader of our lives. Jesus is the only way to avoid hell (and we allow the kids to touch... I like to make a sizzling sound when they touch the flames... I laugh when the pull their hands away as if they've really been burned!) The ONLY way to Heaven is to accept Jesus! This is all we have to do. And by doing this we are saying to God "I want you to be the leader of my life. help me!"
Flip cube...
By accepting Jesus as leader of our lives (yes, adults say Savior... kids understand Leader, the one who saves us and leads us!) we are choosing to live for Him. To live for him, we need to pray regularly, read our Bibles. Our Bible tells us more about God and how He wants us to live. We should join other christians and learn about God (Go to church), and tell the world about Him!
(I stopped looking for all the scriptures... if you want them, message me I will get them all for you!)
So, we did this evangecube this morning with my 4 year old and my 2 year old. Well, Zech, (the 4 year old) was very impressed (even though we've done it MANY times before!) and before I even asked the question, he said "Mommy, I want to go to Heaven, and ask Jesus into my heart!" So without hesitation we prayed. Him repeating me every word. He has prayed this prayer before with the older kids in church, but is mostly looking around to see what the older kids are saying, but there was something different this time. he really got into it, and melted my heart as he prayed. It is the biggest joy for a Mommy to lead their children to the Lord. Lily said it too, this time. However at age 2, I assume she has a bit more understanding to gain!
I love being in Ministry. Dave and I have had the honor of leading many to the Lord. Our hearts are filled with joy with every one, however, leading my son today to the Lord has been the reason for my call to ministry! I am VERY happy! He is VERY Happy and told everyone he saw, "I have Jesus in my heart... I'm going to heaven!" Praise the Lord!
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