Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

I know, this should be a tribute to my mom, but ya know, I am a mom, too... and not that I will give myself a tribute, I just want to talk about MY mother's day. My 3rd mother's day. 2 Kids now! I often times dread holidays just for me. I don't like being the center of attention (which is something I am noticing in Lily already) and I always feel like I hype them up in my own mind only to receive yet another dozen roses. (If my dear wonderful husband really ever reads this... I love roses, and I love you for thinking they are so gosh darn wonderful, but every occasion? Really? And I know I exaggerate, its not EVERY one, but I can skip a few years worth of them... and I truly love you anyway!!!) I try to drop hints like a nice new outfit (or the gift card to buy one), a pass to a great kids museum, or another great outing with my family, something to go with my photography love, and yet only one year did I get a great watch (granted its only been 2 other mother's days) he he!
So, I am not letting myself get hyped up this year. I know that a mother never really gets a day off, and that is what we signed up for when we decided to have those kids! So, I do not mind changing diapers or rocking them to sleep, or cleaning up after their messes, I really don't. And that is what made me start looking at the things that make me feel good as a mom. They may not come in a wonderfully wrapped gift, or a vase that lacks water, but they come in my children's unabashed love for me. Their need for me, their desire to hold my hand, caress my hair, and be held by the one and only ME!
I took my kids on a trip to Columbia a couple weeks ago. A week away without Daddy. And although I deeply need my husband, and would never diminish the wonderful things he does for us, I was empowered to know I took care of them all by myself. They were good kids. I got many compliments on how well I could handle my crazy son!
Then when we came back I jumped right back into my daily routine of cleaning, teaching, cleaning, cuddling, reading, cleaning, and running errands... and I liked it! I loved being with the kids and I really think they loved being with me. We laughed and played and worked on our alphabet (he knows the letter Z).
Last weekend was a sad and refreshing weekend. Dave's Granny passed away, and although I didn't meet the "real" her, I could imagine her beauty by seeing her children and grandchildren (who all sang on the stage afterwards... VERY COOL... I have pictures... untouched by photoshop mind you!)
This was a great fun for Nana... I know she loved watching all the grandkids together singing... OUT OF HYMNALS!!!

They all sang so beautifully and together as a family... I know its getting off my subject... hang in there!

Even though they couldn't all SEE the words, they sung them loudly.

It didn't take long before they all got giddy in their singing and "stage preformance"

Even Levi had fun jumping off the stage... check out that air!!

It reminded me of the family I hope to raise! And I would love to look down from heaven and see my grand and great-grand kids on a church stage singing worship songs. People would tell me how adorable the kids were and then tell me I was a good mother. And I didn't do much "mothering" It felt odd, but great too! My son may run all over the church, but he calls church "Home". He knows thats a safe place that we learn about God. And for the most part he is nice and friendly to everyone. Lily is just a cute little peanut that melts anyone's heart... good mothering or not!

Then this week and weekend spending time with my kids truly uplifted me. I've created kids I actually like! he he... we stayed in a hotel last night and Zech couldn't sleep without Mommy. So although I got no sleep, his touch was so sweet. He had to lay on me, or be touching my head at all times. Hard to sleep, but a great feeling to be needed. I love how he holds hands when he knows he's been out of control yet still wants the privledge to walk, or how he hits me in the head and immediately says "sorry Mommy!" weird huh!
But although its not really nice to give a tribute to yourself, I just felt like my kids have given their mother's day gift... and I like it!

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Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!