Tuesday, May 22, 2007

To Rachel

I say this is to Rachel, even though I don't think she reads it... but to anyone that is like Rachel (or Ra-Jigga, as said in our house) This is for them!
You say at age 22 that you want a baby. They are so fun and cuddly... because when you see them, they are so fun and cuddly! You visit, sometimes even babysit and the kids say cute things like "See ya A-marrow" and "Sorry Dave" to their dads. You tickle them and cuddle them and they are always so eager to see you each and every time... and as much as we have the same kinds of blasts (like when mommy showed Zech how he can recreate the "Jordan" scene from Cars, and he looks at her with the most wonderful adoration) we have oh so much more!
We have puke stories, and poopy stories, and screaming fit stories!
You end up telling of events like these:
1) We head to Olive Garden for a lovely b-day dinner. Mommy takes her 2 year old out of the carseat, gets the other baby in hers, and juggles an umbrella being sure that no one gets wet. When all of a sudden the 2 year old begins to gag inevitably leading to a big vomit. She leans her baby over only to have him vomit, upchuck, hurl into the baby babys carseat. Baby baby laughs! Mommy crouches down, and aids son in vomited on the asphalt... never letting one raindrop fall on either kid.
they get in the car to head back home trying to secure a box for any additional tossing of cookies. It doesn't work... the carseat is soiled!
2) You wake up with the twisting and turning of your upset stomach. Your loving husband has meetings all day, he can't help... you vomit anyway... and STILL take care of your babies! You give in to their every desire just so you can sleep, vomit, and rush to the bathroom for those unpleasant surprises in peace. You still have to change diapers, fix meals, and feed bottles, the title of Mom never goes away!
3) The first boy who was better, gets sick again... this time in your lap. Thats actually your desire so you don't have carpets to clean.
4) Immediately following the deep sigh of relief that all sickness is gone from the 2 year old and the baby, your tiny fragile baby baby throws up as you lay her down. This time its more than just spit up and her face is red from pushing it all out. You are heart broken. You can't leave her, she is sick! You can't sleep at night for fear she might not wake you when she pukes again (which she doesn't and you find her sleeping so sweetly in a bed full of up-chuck!... its in her ears!!!) So you stay up all night just to be sure you hear her coughs, cries, or little gags.
5)All seems well, and its your big mommy day. The day that makes it great to be a mom. You get to go to play group and compare your kid to all other kids and marvel in the fact that yours is the cutest and by far the smartest! You smile as your son says most of his alphabet then ends with the most adorable "Now I know my ABCs, Can't you sing with me!" You assume that since your first 4 hours of morning were bliss so will the rest of them... Then you head to the drs office. Your wonderful cute genius turns into a monster whose language is a high pitched squeal! You try to smile, I mean, this is YOUR child... the one you wanted so bad when you were 22! But nothing you do (or threaten to do) works! You just let him scream. Your baby baby is getting her shots (something you hate to be a part of... whose idea is it to have mommy hold the babies down!) while your 2 year old is screaming "OUCH" when he's not even the one getting the shot! He cries harder than the baby baby!
When you FINALLY get home to carry these sleeping beauties to bed, and get some alone time (ya know the time you wanted to give up when you were 22) you realize the 2 year old refuses his nap!
Ahh, and you wanted a baby!

And ya know what? yeah, I did! and I love them... bad days and all! And it gets to where days aren't quite as bad as they seem... its just one more knotch to put on your belt! But, if you can... wait a few years... you'll like when you were 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 without kids! Maybe not as much as when you have them... but you'll like them!

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Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!