Saturday, April 14, 2007

Global Warming???

Is this what Al Gore warned us about? Is he playing a joke on us? I am ready for some global warming...

This was actually taken on Wednesday... I have been too busy to post it! But yes, thats over 6 inches of snow.

Dave had to snow blow.

The last couple of days have been warmer... but it doesn't take much to be warmer than that!
Some Wisconsonites will complain along with me and promise me (the southern girl from Missouri) that this NEVER happens, then there are those who are actually cruely honest that say, "Oh, get used to it, this is Wisconsin for crying out loud!"

Well, I refuse! I know that God controls the weather, and I will never get used to it! He knows we don't like it, and I don't love Him less because he brings it... but God... BRING THE SPRING WEATHER!!!

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Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!