There's No Place Like Home
We always have lots of fun traveling and seeing family who we don't see often. Its always fun to watch Zech have fun with a friend, and learning 3 year old vocabulary. Its always fun to go to Walmart without the kids every day if I want. Its always fun to sit around and talk to my mom and sisters on the kitchen floor... but there is just no place like home. I look forward to seeing my husband. To see his facial expressions when I tell him about Zech seeing the penguins at the zoo. Or his smile when i tell him about Zech's dancing episode with Leila. He'd laugh when I'd describe how much Leila wanted to dance like a little lady, holding Zech's hand out from herbody, but how Zech just wanted to hold her tight, lay his head on her sholders and just about knock her over... something that will curse him in Jr. high!
I want to see his face as Lily begins to really begin sitting all by herself.
I love the quietness in the bed room even though I am sharing a room with both tiny snorers (As much as I love the man, Dave is a LOUD snorer!), but I miss the touch of his foot when he rolls over, or the kiss on the forehead when he wakes to look at the clock.
I miss being able to vent about my frustrations to the man that always encourages me and makes me feel like I am justified in my stinkin, thinkin! I even miss being there for his vents, agreeing with him in frustration, even if its not happening to me!
Its always fun having a week thats out of the norm, but there's no place like home... home with my man!!!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
So Far, So Good
It's been our first trip alone. I feel like supermom, at least for the moment! I packed the kids up, left Dave to himself (sniff sniff, I miss him already) and drove to MO with the kids ALL BY MYSELF!!!! they did so well! Lily cried for the last 15 minutes and thats it. Zech watched his movies, he even changed the DVDs himself (he dropped a few!) I was very impressed, they made me look good! My van stayed pretty clean, and we made pretty good time. We stopped at the St. Louis Zoo. Zech was VERY excited to see the Monkey's, bears, and best of all the one and only Happy Feet (the penguin house!). the Penguins were my favorite too, as the freezing artic weather was a great break from the 80+ degree.
Today we went to the mall early enough that the kids could play at the play place before the mall even opened. AND, I got 4 pair of shoes (not for myself of course... just one pair is mine!) for UNDER $40. Zech and Leila are quite the friends. It does appear that poor Miles is Zech's archenemy! Zech is just having a hard time sharing with him and being nice altogether. There has been many timeouts...
AND... dun dun dun duuuun...
LILY HAS SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT! Now, I will work on getting her to sleep past 5:30! she is starting to sit up, learning how to cope with the LOUD REED/JACKSON family! she has been startled quite a few times. Zech has been a super big brother! He gets up at 5:30 to help me take care of her too! Yeah for mommy! (but I am sleeping fully through the house.) Not to mention my two babies snore much softer than my bigger baby back at home.
So I leave you with a cute story about Zech.
Last night (our first night here) Zech was having a hard time staying in a strange room. I felt like I couldn't stay in there with him when I still had Lily to feed and get ready for bed. He cried like he was scared. it was very hard to leave him. I had left a lamp on, then off again, then gave him his own flashlight (one of Zech's favorite!) nothing worked. finally I brought lily up and put her in the crib and told Zech he needed to "watch" her and be a good big brother and stay quiet in the room withher. he said, "Okay, Mommy! I will! I watch Wiwwy (Lily) sweep (sleep)." And I didn't have a problem thereafter! tonight he asked when his sister was coming too.
So far so good! It's being fun!!!
It's been our first trip alone. I feel like supermom, at least for the moment! I packed the kids up, left Dave to himself (sniff sniff, I miss him already) and drove to MO with the kids ALL BY MYSELF!!!! they did so well! Lily cried for the last 15 minutes and thats it. Zech watched his movies, he even changed the DVDs himself (he dropped a few!) I was very impressed, they made me look good! My van stayed pretty clean, and we made pretty good time. We stopped at the St. Louis Zoo. Zech was VERY excited to see the Monkey's, bears, and best of all the one and only Happy Feet (the penguin house!). the Penguins were my favorite too, as the freezing artic weather was a great break from the 80+ degree.
Today we went to the mall early enough that the kids could play at the play place before the mall even opened. AND, I got 4 pair of shoes (not for myself of course... just one pair is mine!) for UNDER $40. Zech and Leila are quite the friends. It does appear that poor Miles is Zech's archenemy! Zech is just having a hard time sharing with him and being nice altogether. There has been many timeouts...
AND... dun dun dun duuuun...
LILY HAS SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT! Now, I will work on getting her to sleep past 5:30! she is starting to sit up, learning how to cope with the LOUD REED/JACKSON family! she has been startled quite a few times. Zech has been a super big brother! He gets up at 5:30 to help me take care of her too! Yeah for mommy! (but I am sleeping fully through the house.) Not to mention my two babies snore much softer than my bigger baby back at home.
So I leave you with a cute story about Zech.
Last night (our first night here) Zech was having a hard time staying in a strange room. I felt like I couldn't stay in there with him when I still had Lily to feed and get ready for bed. He cried like he was scared. it was very hard to leave him. I had left a lamp on, then off again, then gave him his own flashlight (one of Zech's favorite!) nothing worked. finally I brought lily up and put her in the crib and told Zech he needed to "watch" her and be a good big brother and stay quiet in the room withher. he said, "Okay, Mommy! I will! I watch Wiwwy (Lily) sweep (sleep)." And I didn't have a problem thereafter! tonight he asked when his sister was coming too.
So far so good! It's being fun!!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
A Week of Random Thoughts
So it feels like its just been a crazy week... So let me go back to last Saturday... there were things I wanted to share. These things will all seem so random... but bear with me!
I struggled with Easter this year. I had to repent and ask God to forgive my TOTAL selfishness! I had planned this Easter Egg Hunt outreach since we moved here. I was so excited because I just LOVE outreach. I prayed regularly and really plotted it out to the best of my abililies. I would go back and forth on being nervous that no kids would show up to being nervous that too many would come. Then it got cold. I knew the turn out would be smaller, but still prayed for just 36, something I thought was pretty reasonable! I mean, who doesn't like an easter egg hunt? Well, I guess the town of Union Grove! No one that doesn't normally come to our church came. So, the "outreach" was a flop. I really wanted to cry. But kept thanking God I could share the story of Easter (The EMPTY TOMB!!!) to the few that were there!

I tried to put my sadness behind me. It was time to break out the Paas egg dye and color us some easter eggs. I was SO excited. Zech's first time! I wanted him to share in the experience with me as much as possible. So he sat on the table as I poured the great smelling vinegar into the cups. Then I let him drop the tablets in. He put them all in one cup. I had to quickly fish them out or we'd have dark brown eggs! I made Dave come watch. I think he secretly thought it was a stupid idea until he saw how much fun Zech had.

That night I worked so hard planning my Easter Dinner. My mom always prepared the ham and the potatos and fruit salad. It had been a long time, so I decided it was time this MOMMA tried it! But to add to it, I made a bunny cake (my new fun project; decorating cakes)... I hated the nose!

The first of many food lessons of the weekend. I realized that not only had I been so excited about the outreach, I was actually looking forward to hosting the Easter meal. I love them both so much. Outreach and hosting. I guess thats God-given to a Pastor's wife! but my meal didn't go like I had planned in my head. I messed up the fruit salad, the potatos were watery, the ham a bit overcooked, and I couldn't keep the mess down (something that stresses me out). I don't know if the entire experience was overshadowed by my complete sadness that no one was at kids church on Easter Sunday! Again, I was well prepared, the lesson was fun and educational. And no one! Zech got a prize for being there and saying his memory verse. "He is not here, He has risen just like he said he would." Matthew 28:6
And to make things better I didn't get my afternoon nap... But I did watch a new "favorite movie"... but ya know, Easter isn't about resurrection eggs and Bunny cakes and ham and potatoes (or if you know how to spell them) Its all about the fact that I have a Savior who came to this Earth just so He could die for all MY sins! And as Zech says "The Egg is Empty!!!" There is no body left in that tomb! He is alive, and I serve this God who is alive. One that has gone through the same (well, WORSE) ministry experiences. I didn't do it for the result, I do it out of obedience! I had to repent. I had lost the meaning. I made it about MY disappointments! and not about His accomplishment!
So it feels like its just been a crazy week... So let me go back to last Saturday... there were things I wanted to share. These things will all seem so random... but bear with me!
I struggled with Easter this year. I had to repent and ask God to forgive my TOTAL selfishness! I had planned this Easter Egg Hunt outreach since we moved here. I was so excited because I just LOVE outreach. I prayed regularly and really plotted it out to the best of my abililies. I would go back and forth on being nervous that no kids would show up to being nervous that too many would come. Then it got cold. I knew the turn out would be smaller, but still prayed for just 36, something I thought was pretty reasonable! I mean, who doesn't like an easter egg hunt? Well, I guess the town of Union Grove! No one that doesn't normally come to our church came. So, the "outreach" was a flop. I really wanted to cry. But kept thanking God I could share the story of Easter (The EMPTY TOMB!!!) to the few that were there!

I tried to put my sadness behind me. It was time to break out the Paas egg dye and color us some easter eggs. I was SO excited. Zech's first time! I wanted him to share in the experience with me as much as possible. So he sat on the table as I poured the great smelling vinegar into the cups. Then I let him drop the tablets in. He put them all in one cup. I had to quickly fish them out or we'd have dark brown eggs! I made Dave come watch. I think he secretly thought it was a stupid idea until he saw how much fun Zech had.

That night I worked so hard planning my Easter Dinner. My mom always prepared the ham and the potatos and fruit salad. It had been a long time, so I decided it was time this MOMMA tried it! But to add to it, I made a bunny cake (my new fun project; decorating cakes)... I hated the nose!

The first of many food lessons of the weekend. I realized that not only had I been so excited about the outreach, I was actually looking forward to hosting the Easter meal. I love them both so much. Outreach and hosting. I guess thats God-given to a Pastor's wife! but my meal didn't go like I had planned in my head. I messed up the fruit salad, the potatos were watery, the ham a bit overcooked, and I couldn't keep the mess down (something that stresses me out). I don't know if the entire experience was overshadowed by my complete sadness that no one was at kids church on Easter Sunday! Again, I was well prepared, the lesson was fun and educational. And no one! Zech got a prize for being there and saying his memory verse. "He is not here, He has risen just like he said he would." Matthew 28:6
And to make things better I didn't get my afternoon nap... But I did watch a new "favorite movie"... but ya know, Easter isn't about resurrection eggs and Bunny cakes and ham and potatoes (or if you know how to spell them) Its all about the fact that I have a Savior who came to this Earth just so He could die for all MY sins! And as Zech says "The Egg is Empty!!!" There is no body left in that tomb! He is alive, and I serve this God who is alive. One that has gone through the same (well, WORSE) ministry experiences. I didn't do it for the result, I do it out of obedience! I had to repent. I had lost the meaning. I made it about MY disappointments! and not about His accomplishment!
So since it took me so long to learn that simple lesson, I realized I was weak. Lily had a bad week prior to all this, she didn't sleep, and I was up with her most of the time. Then out of frustration Dave declares he doesnt want more kids (DEVASTATING NEWS FOR ME!). I told him that we'd discuss it once we had sleep. But it made me a nervous wreck all week. If she wimpered, I jumped to stop her. If there was anything unpleasant about her (which are few and far between) I hid it from him in fear of never having another gorgeous Ciske baby! And by the end of the week I was DEAD! I hadn't made time to sit down with my Bible. I hadn't slept-- A deadly combination! I needed food! I needed strength. Beth Moore! the study started this morning! What a powerful speaker! It was very good right off the bat! (I will blog about that later!) But now, with more sleep this week, and some better perspective (and knowing that Dave was just speaking out of frustration) I feel lighter! I feel free-er! And I praise my Living God for this life! And for these amazing blessings!
Lily is really blooming! she's laughing, talking, raspberry-ing, and just as cute as she can be!
Zech is the best big brother! I am so very proud of him! He loves and takes care of his sister! The other day, I was getting laundry and Lily started crying. Oh, well, Laundry needs to be done. But Zech rushed to her side and calmed her. then as he tried to join me downstairs, he'd get as far as the middle of the staircase and she'd start crying, so he'd turn around and rush to check on her. He's just amazing! No more kids??? He has to be on crack!!!
Global Warming???

Is this what Al Gore warned us about? Is he playing a joke on us? I am ready for some global warming...

This was actually taken on Wednesday... I have been too busy to post it! But yes, thats over 6 inches of snow.
Dave had to snow blow.

The last couple of days have been warmer... but it doesn't take much to be warmer than that!
Some Wisconsonites will complain along with me and promise me (the southern girl from Missouri) that this NEVER happens, then there are those who are actually cruely honest that say, "Oh, get used to it, this is Wisconsin for crying out loud!"
Well, I refuse! I know that God controls the weather, and I will never get used to it! He knows we don't like it, and I don't love Him less because he brings it... but God... BRING THE SPRING WEATHER!!!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
My brother the daddy
I am a bit overwhelmed today with the thought that my brother became a daddy last night. He held the girl's hand all the way through the C-Section then went with little Natalie to the nursery and held his daughter's hand as she cried. Its scary... in more ways than one! But, I will continue to pray that he will find the Lord and share Him with his daughter. I pray that no matter what happens, he is a great father to this baby. Now I just hope they get married soon (if all else works the way we need it to!) She does look a lot like Adam, is VERY chubby like he was as a baby. Mom sent pictures and there's one of Adam holding her. I just can't believe it! This neice of mine is so distant. I know she's 8 hours away, but I feel so distant from her! So I pray I can be the aunt she needs! She is the closest to Lily's age... they have the potential of being great friends. Natalie... I pray that Lily is a great influence on you... and you on her!
Spring with Snow
Well, its spring by way of the calendar, but when I look out my window and see snow... I must say its not too spring-y! I started the day off with a small hit of the wall... I immediately asked God for forgiveness and put a smile on my face as I entered my will-not-sleep-through-the-night girl's room. It was 6am, I had stopped counting at #10 for how many times I'd gone into her room at night. Not to mention Dave did some. She just won't sleep! I am running out of ideas. So, I slept on the couch as Dave got ready for work and Zech watched his morning cartoons. Dave bent down to give me a lovingly kiss goodbye and I decided I'd make the day worth it!
I got up, cut Zech's hair, did baths and took pictures. Now, I keep in mind that I will enjoy the end results of the pictures and that keeps me from beating my children through the picture taking process. Zech is almost impossible to get good pictures of... but today it was quite opposite. I got pretty good ones of him, and lily's are just so-so! I had to watch myself... there was a cop sitting right outside our house the entire time. I know it kept my voice a bit lower and calmer. I did however spank Zech for not cooperating... needless to say, I didn't get good pictures from him immediately following that. I also had to bribe him with cheese to get good pictures and some of the pictures actually have some cheese in them.
So, I spent my nap time (the one I REALLY needed!) and edited, played around with, and looked over my pictures a thousand times. I just pray they are as good as I think and I wonder again if I am just really lucky with cute kids.
here are some goodies....

Like I said, I had cut Zech's hair... when he got up from nap and came downstairs, I literally gasped. I had forgotten I cut his hair and was left breathless at how completely adorable he is...
Snow... you will never be as beautiful as this!!!
Well, its spring by way of the calendar, but when I look out my window and see snow... I must say its not too spring-y! I started the day off with a small hit of the wall... I immediately asked God for forgiveness and put a smile on my face as I entered my will-not-sleep-through-the-night girl's room. It was 6am, I had stopped counting at #10 for how many times I'd gone into her room at night. Not to mention Dave did some. She just won't sleep! I am running out of ideas. So, I slept on the couch as Dave got ready for work and Zech watched his morning cartoons. Dave bent down to give me a lovingly kiss goodbye and I decided I'd make the day worth it!
I got up, cut Zech's hair, did baths and took pictures. Now, I keep in mind that I will enjoy the end results of the pictures and that keeps me from beating my children through the picture taking process. Zech is almost impossible to get good pictures of... but today it was quite opposite. I got pretty good ones of him, and lily's are just so-so! I had to watch myself... there was a cop sitting right outside our house the entire time. I know it kept my voice a bit lower and calmer. I did however spank Zech for not cooperating... needless to say, I didn't get good pictures from him immediately following that. I also had to bribe him with cheese to get good pictures and some of the pictures actually have some cheese in them.
So, I spent my nap time (the one I REALLY needed!) and edited, played around with, and looked over my pictures a thousand times. I just pray they are as good as I think and I wonder again if I am just really lucky with cute kids.
here are some goodies....

Like I said, I had cut Zech's hair... when he got up from nap and came downstairs, I literally gasped. I had forgotten I cut his hair and was left breathless at how completely adorable he is...

Snow... you will never be as beautiful as this!!!
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Colossians 3:17
If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!