Friday, September 19, 2008

Lots of STUFF

We have a lot going on right now! I kinda like it! But sometimes when there is so much, I forget a lot of stuff, so i want to jot some stuff down for me...

1st-- Zech started cubbies. Its an awanas program. Its been hard on me in many ways. First, I am sad that our church doesn't have Royal Rangers. I want to start it, but we don't really have enough kids yet for something on another night. Second, it is really hard for me to take my kid to another church. Dave is a pastor here, and we are driving Zech to a totally different church. I guess thats a pride thing. Like I feel like we should be providing that. But then again, I've tried a Wednesday night and it doesn't work. Third, I am taking Zech and DROPPING him off. He's never really been to a nursery (for a very short time as an infant) but since he's had Mommy and Daddy as his Children's pastors. So Zech goes to school with Mom, has church with Mom, goes to every play group with Mom... it was time to let him do something alone. So I enrolled him in this awanas program. I took him and STAYED the first time, then left the building/campus this last week. It was hard. I stared at the clock the entire time waiting to pick him up. He loves it, wears his cubbie vest, and memorizes scripture like you can't believe. So I know its good for him!

2nd-- Lily is a speedy talker! Its so funny becuase everyone says "Does she talk?" and Dave and I look at each other and laugh... Does she ever! She is a shy girl outside our house, and around others, but at home each day, she says everything and anything. She screamed when we dropped Zech off at cubbies "Mommy, I go to cubbies!" over and over. crying all the while. It was so sad... and confirmed my praises of her vocabulary to my friends. She tells me what she wants to wear, how she wants her food, and NO! all the time NO! (I remember this stage with Zech!WELL!). She has such a funny attitude and loves to dance. We were in a restaurant last night and the music was oddly loud. We look over and as Lily is eating she is dancing all over the place. She is such a fun lady!

3rd. This Sunday we are starting a new ministry. We call it ministry, but we may grow just as much as anyone else! We are starting a young marriages group. We are starting with dinner and a challenge then we will see where it takes us in the next year or so. It is geared for anyone married 10 years or under. So far we have 4 other couple coming... all have been married well under 4 years (one I am not sure about... but I think its under 4). We will celebrate 8 years in a couple of months. I am not sure we know MORE about marriage, but we've done it longer. And we STILL love one another! I am just so excited! Most have children, or step-children, or trying for children. The excitement comes in many aspects... 1st This is where Dave and I are starting to feel drawn. Family Ministries. When a family prays together, goes to church together, and is CHRISTIAN together I think lives can be changed (all around this family). 2nd These young families grow our church. We need young people in a church in order for the church to be around in 50 years! So its nice to be able to encourage them to bring in more young couples! 3rd. The challenge we will give I think can do so much in the kingdom... I won't post it yet, but it starts with seeing the movie FIREPROOF! (google it!) and lastly and LEAST as important, I get to host! I love this! We are having a dinner at our house, and I get to do it all! I love that! I've got all my fall stuff out (sunday is the first day of fall!).

I am just so excited about all this new stuff and what it does to our family! So sorry if it bored you all... I will post the challenge sunday night! It'd be great if every married couple did something like it! I know you will all be waiting intently on that! hehe!

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Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!