Monday, September 29, 2008

May I pass out or puke now?

So our plans for today were a bit changed this morning when Zech somehow ran into the corner of the walls (ya know where two walls meet) and put an index finger + size gash in his head. I ran to him and turned him around and about DIED when I saw this huge gash with white glaring through! I panicked for a moment. Called Dave hysterically and told him I didn't think I could do this alone and to meet us at the hospital. Then immediately realized I could do it. I calmed down, got a cold cloth and the diaper bag and we were off.
Each time I looked in the rearview mirror and saw this giant opening in his head I thought I'd die. But we made it! It was about a 12 minute drive to the ER, and a 3 min drive to find a parking spot! (Note to self... next time use valet parking!) This lady sees me holding Zech like a baby and dragging Lily by her arm as we walk to the building. She quickly grabs a wheel chair and puts all three of us in it. They call ahead to the docs to let them know "There is a boy coming with a hole in his head!" (it wasn't really THAT bad).
We get in the room and they put a cotton ball of liticane on it (the cotton ball, the entire thing, fit inside the gash!). Zech stayed pretty calm as he watched some rapping bear on TV. He didn't do too well with the long needle of numbing stuff, and neither did I. I wanted to look in Zech's eyes to make sure he knew I was there for him, so I had to watch this long needle go in as Zech's face swelled with hurt and fear! Then they washed it (they may have washed it first???) and there was more crying. then they covered his head with a cloth that had a whole in it just for the "Laceration". Thats when I realized he couldn't see my face, so I started to bawl! I felt so sick to my stomach! But I quickly realized he needed to hear me. I asked him "Would you rather do the Big Balls or the sucker punch wall?" He calmed down and answered my questions "Big Balls"
"Would you rather do the suckerpunch wall or the Butt Kicker?" "Butt kicker". "Would you like the cookie cutter wall or the Bubble Bath" "Bubble bath". (all things from Wipeout his favorite show... its a crazy obstacle course game show). Then all of a sudden he must have seen the needle/hook the guy was using to stitch him up, he lost it. He was "done" as he said. I had to hold him down and try to calm him.
13 stitches later the guy removed the cloth and all was well in Zech's life. He was over it quickly.

CHEESE, he says!

Here is what I am praising God for:

  1. He had no concusion or loss of consciousness
  2. He was abnormally calm for such a strong willed child
  3. He allowed prayer to calm him. We prayed during a hard time and when we were done he said "In Jesus' name, Amen" and stopped crying.
  4. God gave me strength when I didn't know I could do it
  5. Lily stayed very calm and behaved well, i didn't have to worry about her at all.
  6. It could have happened 3 minutes earlier and i wouldn't have been RIGHT there!

There was a point I thought I wouldn't be able to handle it all, but then there was a point where something welled up and I knew it would be fine, it was okay, could be worse. I kinda feel like vomiting right now, now that he's well, and sleeping. But thats okay, I handled it! lets just not let this happen again!

New rule: NO RUNNING IN THE HOUSE... Why wasn't that in place before???

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Marriage Challenge

Last night we challenged 4 couples to take this Fireproof Challenge. Maybe if you are reading, and married, you, too, can take this challenge on for your marriage!

Frist... Go see the movie FIREPROOF staring Kirk Cameron. For more info on the movie see the plugged in review...
Like it says in the review, this movie was not made to win awards from any academy. It was made to save lives! And if many Christians would go see it opening weekend it will show up in the box office and encourage others (maybe even unsaved) to go see the movie... and perhaps they will make enough money with this movie to make a higher budget film next time.

Second... In the movie Kirk Cameron's character takes 40 days to save his marriage. Our challenge was to FIREPROOF your marriage. It may not be on the brink of the end (and again, for some it may), but what are you doing to prevent the bad times? Our challenge is to start on Monday, September 29th and do something that to show that you value your marriage. Treat your spouse, encourage your spouse, love on your spouse... just put in extra effort to show your spouse that you are in this for ETERNITY... Show them that your marrige means a lot to you... do something small, or something large that will romance your spouse. Write it down, and record the difference it makes in your marriage.

For our group, we will share on a bimonthly basis... for you... leave me a comment... how is this affecting your marriage? Or don't... just fireproof your marriage!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Lots of STUFF

We have a lot going on right now! I kinda like it! But sometimes when there is so much, I forget a lot of stuff, so i want to jot some stuff down for me...

1st-- Zech started cubbies. Its an awanas program. Its been hard on me in many ways. First, I am sad that our church doesn't have Royal Rangers. I want to start it, but we don't really have enough kids yet for something on another night. Second, it is really hard for me to take my kid to another church. Dave is a pastor here, and we are driving Zech to a totally different church. I guess thats a pride thing. Like I feel like we should be providing that. But then again, I've tried a Wednesday night and it doesn't work. Third, I am taking Zech and DROPPING him off. He's never really been to a nursery (for a very short time as an infant) but since he's had Mommy and Daddy as his Children's pastors. So Zech goes to school with Mom, has church with Mom, goes to every play group with Mom... it was time to let him do something alone. So I enrolled him in this awanas program. I took him and STAYED the first time, then left the building/campus this last week. It was hard. I stared at the clock the entire time waiting to pick him up. He loves it, wears his cubbie vest, and memorizes scripture like you can't believe. So I know its good for him!

2nd-- Lily is a speedy talker! Its so funny becuase everyone says "Does she talk?" and Dave and I look at each other and laugh... Does she ever! She is a shy girl outside our house, and around others, but at home each day, she says everything and anything. She screamed when we dropped Zech off at cubbies "Mommy, I go to cubbies!" over and over. crying all the while. It was so sad... and confirmed my praises of her vocabulary to my friends. She tells me what she wants to wear, how she wants her food, and NO! all the time NO! (I remember this stage with Zech!WELL!). She has such a funny attitude and loves to dance. We were in a restaurant last night and the music was oddly loud. We look over and as Lily is eating she is dancing all over the place. She is such a fun lady!

3rd. This Sunday we are starting a new ministry. We call it ministry, but we may grow just as much as anyone else! We are starting a young marriages group. We are starting with dinner and a challenge then we will see where it takes us in the next year or so. It is geared for anyone married 10 years or under. So far we have 4 other couple coming... all have been married well under 4 years (one I am not sure about... but I think its under 4). We will celebrate 8 years in a couple of months. I am not sure we know MORE about marriage, but we've done it longer. And we STILL love one another! I am just so excited! Most have children, or step-children, or trying for children. The excitement comes in many aspects... 1st This is where Dave and I are starting to feel drawn. Family Ministries. When a family prays together, goes to church together, and is CHRISTIAN together I think lives can be changed (all around this family). 2nd These young families grow our church. We need young people in a church in order for the church to be around in 50 years! So its nice to be able to encourage them to bring in more young couples! 3rd. The challenge we will give I think can do so much in the kingdom... I won't post it yet, but it starts with seeing the movie FIREPROOF! (google it!) and lastly and LEAST as important, I get to host! I love this! We are having a dinner at our house, and I get to do it all! I love that! I've got all my fall stuff out (sunday is the first day of fall!).

I am just so excited about all this new stuff and what it does to our family! So sorry if it bored you all... I will post the challenge sunday night! It'd be great if every married couple did something like it! I know you will all be waiting intently on that! hehe!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Honeymoon is over
I really shouldn't say that... but today was a bit harder with homeschooling. I read in a book (one I really liked) that you should only praise and make the learning experience GREAT! And that you should never use the words "Your not even trying!" However, when your son takes his pencil and scribbles all over his worksheet while glaring you down, isn't it safe to say he really isn't trying. I am trying not to get so overwhelmed if he doesn't catch on as quick as I think he should. Z was easy. He already had been practicing writing it. And my goal was to have him writing his name by the end of the month. So, today we did E. lowercase, mind you! e... e... e... I made worksheets of elephants trying to get to the nuts... and he stayed within the lines... but to actually write it was a challenge.
Dave and I had a long "discussion" last night on how we should teach him to make it. I learned in my handwritting class in college (yes, I took a class on how to write perfect manuscript, and cursive... its mandatory in the state of MO to get your degree!) The manuscript way is to make a C lift your pencil, and make the line that finishes your e. HOWEVER, I never learned it that way in school. And what if I send him to say, 4th grade, will they undo what I've taught and confuse him!? So we decided it would probably be cursive in4th grade so teach him to do one continuous stroke... so I teach... Straight line, up and over... I repeat this OVER AND OVER as I write it using his hand. he repeats back to me, STRAIGHT UP AND OVER! However, the "shape" on the paper was NOTHING! he wouldn't do the straight, and then makes a circle, or squiggle, or looks at me in a full fledged glare and scribbled on his paper!
So, I made him tough it out. I don't want him to get in his head that that behavior stops school... and we moved on as if he hadn't had done it.
However. After nap, he found an ink pen and made the most glorious e I have ever seen! Maybe he just had to sleep on it!
As I am showing him that the Z sound and the E sound come together to form his name (for those of you who don't know, his name is ZECH, rhymes with DECK, not ZACK rhyming with SACK!) so we say his name slowly to hear the zzzz eeeee K sound. He says, "Okay, can I go watch Wipeout?" TOTALLY done! UGH! he's just 3, right? School isn't that important! its just the schedule we are getting used to... right? RIGHT!? He's SO smart (I am bias, I know) so I know he can learn this. I guess the honeymoon's over!

Monday, September 08, 2008

1 Corinthians 9:24-25

A few weeks ago the older kids in kids church had to memorize 1 Corinthians 9:24, 25.

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize. Run in such a way to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games, goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever."

At the table at lunch, Zech recited the entire first verse. And missed only a few words in the 2nd one. I was amazed. I got the camera out... He was too goofy to do the 2nd part of the verse... but even Lily caught on and could fill in blanks!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Proverbs 31:11 "Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value." & 12 "She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."
Because of the above verse, I had to delete my previous post... I hadn't actually published it yet. I actually thought it said "She brings honor to her husband in the marketplace" but I didn't find that verse. Either way, thats what God told me... To bring honor to my husband in the marketplace (or on the web!)... so needlesstosay I needed to delete my previous rant!!!
I am just feeling a bit worthless today. Like there is no value in what I do. I tell myself as I clean my house, teach my kids, and prepare dinner that what I do is the right thing to do, but sometimes the confidence is gone. And I wish my husband could honestly say this about me! "that he has full confidence in me..." but sometimes that isn't said. And I feel I do lack in value. I need to just leave it at that, and in God's hands. I always tell the youth and will continue to tell my kids that we always do whats right. No matter who cuts you down, no matter what everyone around you does. You are responsible for your own actions and held accountable to your own choices... so as much as I'd love to vent my rants... I must follow the last part of that verse... Even when I want to... never mind!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

DAY ONE is over
I could barely sleep last night. As if it was MY first day at school. And if you have read my previous blogs you'd understand why...
Today I set no objective other than just to play it by ear, learn what he likes, and start the routine. And praise God. I accomplished that much and more. Zech seemed to really like it. I had his undivided attention for a full 90 minutes. Thats great! I lost my watch and haven't installed a clock in our room yet, so I really had no clue of how much time had passed. I basically wanted to get through a few things and then let him explore.
First he was upset that he wasn't "GOING" to school. So I learned that I need to change my words... maybe DOING school is a better phrase. We went outside with our weather cards and choose the weather. Zech said it was Hot and Sunny. Lily got the warm card. Then we headed down to put it on our chart. We moved the arrow to September and started our calendar. Zech loved the "There are 7 Days" song and will learn his days soon. He repeated the date and used the pointer to show us how to read it "Today is... Tuesday, September 2, 2008!
We then practiced the Z... what words have Zs in them. And as he traced his fingers over the cardboard Z, we recited words. I said Zeeeebra, Ziiipper, ZZZZooo... He caught on quickly and said ZZZech, ZZZoom, ZZZZero! I was very impressed. So I drew a few on the board and then gave him his first worksheet.

I made this on the computer to teach him the directions to move his pencil. We had used an arrow on the board to teach the directions, then he had to get the zebra to the apple. In hopes he would get the hang of how the direction of a Z went.

He look scholarly already, doesn't he?
He is one of those kids that must stand to do their work.
The result? Check out that Z!
This is what Lily did while we had school. She sat and listened to "circle" (if you can call it that) time for all of 7 minutes!
cute though, huh?
Once he had drew a few Zs, we did some math. We sorted foam pieces (some had been chewed on... so I guess Lily did a few other things while we were learning).

This was one activity Lily really liked. She messed it up for Zech though, and he wasn't too happy!

She just couldn't figure out Zech's sorting method! Can you?

They then got to play in the "Sensory Table". Which is really just a gazillion little bags of different beans. I have a rice one at church, but learned very quickly how messy that can get. At least you can pick beans up with your hands... and believe me, I did!

Zech was given this page (below) as a guide to the "treasures" hidden inside...

He had a blast. I was so happy that he was having such a fun time.

Lily didn't care much about the list until she found something... then she was very excited.

There was a little surprise hidden inside...

Which prompted us to get back to the Letter Z...

He got some all the way up by his ear!

And that brings us to ZEE END OF ZZ (until his next class on Friday).

Don't worry, they won't all be this long, nor have so many pictures... Today was a big day for us... well for me!

Monday, September 01, 2008

"...God's initial goal for Christian homeschooling families is not the raising of godly children. Instead, God's wonderful, but subtly hidden agenda is that the homeschooling experience be so challenging for the parents that they feel the need and hunger for a closer walk with their heavenly Father." (Kyle Miller)
Lord, I pray for a healthy school year. I pray for the desire to raise godly children because You are creating me into your godly child!
We start tomorrow. Please, Lord, give me the ways to teach, the words to say, the patience to persevere.

Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!