Monday, June 23, 2008

Should I change my Husband?
My husband is getting his bachelor's in Sociology that focuses on Family Studies. He is getting ready to start his final project that he chose. He decided to do a seminar for Father's and Husbands. He is a little over worked this week, and needs a annotated Bibliography. I asked if I could help... I love to do this kind of stuff. All he needed were books and their information. Six of them. So I did some research for him. I didn't do his assignment. I simply looked for some books for him to look further into. However that is not my point...
As I was looking, I noticed how many book there are out there on how to CHANGE your husband.
Did you marry him? Why change him? I get so frustrated at how much society belittles men.
I have taken some women's history classes and it was hard to handle as we learned about the Women's Lib movement. it was originally established to get equal rights. The right to vote, to own land, to work for comparable wages...etc. Not to knock Men down and trample them. It has really begun to wreck our family structure. Men are told from a very young age that they are not good enough. And we wonder why the absent father is on the rise. They are considered worthless from birth.
I married a great man. He has flaws, so do I. We love each other anyway. Sure we all need to make changes in a marriage, but do we need to marry a man just to change him? I am aware that sometimes people change in a marriage. They can be a great person when you marry them, then throughout time things change. However, who do we think we are to think WE can change them... I mean, I know that a woman can do mighty things, but to change a man's ways? We take too much credit. God can change situations. Prayer can change our mindset. The power of God's word can change the mess we've made. And sometimes it is us that need to change. Our idea of changing the man God gave us may need to change into "How can I treat my husband better."
Well, I give thumbs down to these books...
How to Change Your Husband by A Friend of Medjugorje
Husband-ry 101: How to Train Your Husband to be the Spouse You've Always Wanted Him to Be by Michael H. McCann
However, I have judge them by their titles... but it still brought up some ill feelings within me.
I love my husband... there are things I want changed in my marriage, but I love the man I married. And it takes two, right!?


JCsings4Him said... have been on a writing streak, huh??! Excellent thoughts...and I agree. The only one you thing you can change in your marriage is your own heart...and the sheets on your bed.

Which I need to do tomorrow! :~)

JCsings4Him said...

I have no idea what I said in that comment...but what I think I meant to say was:

"The only thing you can change in your marriage"...blah blah blah.

I must be really tired.

Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!