Monday, June 16, 2008

My Kids

My kids amaze me sometimes. I mean they seem so different than me and Dave at times then so much like us at others. I haven't really blogged much about them lately... and since I don't really keep up with their journals anymore, I thought I'd record their personalities, and how odd they are... well, not odd as in WEIRD (although they are at times) but odd in a sense that they are very unique.

Zech can be such an obedient boy, yet still throws the same fits he threw the day he was born! He came out screaming so hard he lost his voice... when he didn't get what he wanted right when he wanted it, it was a lost cause. Although I want to think he's getting better, he sure does put up a fuss once in a while. Yet he can be the most obedient by doing everything I ask of him. He may cry while doing it, but he does it. I often times look at moms who seem to have everything together and think they are just better moms than me. Then I realize they do not have my children and all their intensities...

Lily is starting her fits as well, however a quick hug and cuddle cures her. I try not to give such positive reinforcement for that kind of behavior, but it does calm her instantly. Every hurt, fight, or discomfort can be cured just by sitting on my lap. I love that about her. There are times when I feel like I just have nothing left to give, she has taken so much from me that day... but then there are days I feel like I'm missing out if she's not in my lap. It is my blessing and curse. I remember saying to Dave when Zech was born that I hoped the next baby was a cuddler... I got what I wished for. And for the most part I really wouldn't trade it for the world.

Zech hates to clean... he's like his dad. He will do it, and understands that its his responsibility (as I tell him each time he cleans his room before bed), he still screams and cries the entire time. Dave may not scream and cry OUT LOUD, but he has the same feelings inside when I ask him to clean before bed too.
Lily loves to organize. If I tell her to pick up her dishes, she gets right to it. She places the plates on top of each other ever so nicely and stacks them inside the basket. She stands back and admires her clean room... just like Mommy!

Zech is boy of all boy (as seen in the baseball post). And is a whiz at the computer. He can have a ton of energy and run and play all day long with no break, and then again he can sit on a lawn chair with me and chat it up. I absolutely LOVE converstions with him. They are just the highlight of my day. I like that he has a shorter rest time as Lily so I get that hour just to chat, lounge, and cuddle with my boy (who has MANLY TOES).

Lily is girl of all girl... WAY girlier than me! She falls all over herself to get to the bathroom when I hollar for her to come get your hair done!. She watches me as I put piggies in her hair, or ponies. When we are done she smiles her best smile and nods her head in admiration. She says "Oh, HAIR!" She loves every baby doll equally, and is sure to share her snack with them. I love getting her up in the morning and hugging her tight, she is my baby girl (who has pretty toes!!!)

They both love to be outside... something I really don't remember liking. However, I am begining to love it more and more each day we are out. To sit and tan a bit while reading or listening to music is a nice treat to me.

I just look at them and think of how much I've changed. How much just in the last 3 years 3months. I praise God for giving me patience. I look back on the fits and the stress of having the two strong willed kiddos so close in age and think... I really want another! Some days I stop and think, I dont think I'll make it... but I always do. So I know that God has built a new character in me. A more compassionate, patient, loving character. And boy do I love them, so I love these new traits.

To try to keep this blog short enough to read in one sitting, I will have to end... not to mention I am half way to tears thinking of how much a blessing they are to me. I remember trying to get pregnant with Zech and month after month would go by with no pregnancy. I would think to myself... I'll be a good mom. It comes naturally to me, so why aren't I getting pregnant?" then when Zech hit about 10 months (thats when the big fits started) thinking, what was I thinking, I can't do this! This parenting thing is SO different than my peachy keen imagination, but I really think God has given me some really unique kids... and I'll take their negatives just the same. Their personalities are so much more than their miscomings... and I can easily overlook that when they sit and cuddle with me like this...

You know those were special... I hate pictures of me... but check this priceless one of Zech (below)

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Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!