Saturday, December 29, 2007

Dave recently got to "Jam" with some old friends of his. Although Dave did not play or use his musical talents when in High School, he was able to play with some guys that did play in his youth group 10 years or more ago. All of which are currently serving in a church as pastors.
Both Dave and I grew up in a very powerful youth group. Many of our fellow youth group members went on to serving in full time ministry.
Here are some of Dave's buddies that have followed God's calling into church ministry--

These men were in our wedding 7 years ago. All have wives and babies of their own.

Its comforting to get to sit down with them and share ministry blessings and frustrations. Its great to know we are not all alone in this vast calling!

We had the priveledge to sit down at lunch with one of these couples and catch up. They had such disturbing news. Another buddy of ours (he did not grow up with Dave, we met him at North Central) has fallen badly. He took a position that was perfect for his lack of experience and worked very hard. His youth ministry grew from 20 to over 200 in a quick fashion. I remember hearing about what this power team was doing to get the youth ministry to grow. I'd see them at youth convention year after year bringing more and more kids. I couldn't help but be a bit envious (isn't that rediculous?). However, all that time this up and rising youth pastor was physically and mentally abusing his wife. He was addicted to pornography. He began drinking excessively at the height of his ministry. Eventually, his wife kicked him out, for the safety of herself and her children. He moved quickly to date a very young lady (one who had sat under his ministry and was a family friend). She is now carrying another child of his. And his marriage is officially over.

I am in shock. I never really sat down and talked to this couple. Dave knew them pretty well, but I saw what they did in ministry and almost coveted it. It has really brought me back to reality... God wants to use us, but he doesn't need to! He wanted that youth ministry to grow... and probably wanted to teach the youth pastor something in the process. But when the minister wouldn't listen, God's plan still prevailed for those kids! He doesn't need us! Its our honor to serve him and be used by him. I am in awe of how easily and how quickly (less than 5 years) this family has been torn apart from this man's sins. And his lack of love for his God. I am at awe that this young man got to see miracles, and got to see all the wonderful things God did in spite of his unwillingness to comply to God in his personal life-- yet still he has not turned back to God. He has shown up drunk to his previous youth group, has disrespected, and led his wife away from God. I am appauled. I am sad! I am shocked. I am put in my place! God doesn't need me... he wants me!

I need to begin to pray for my "contemporaries". Pray for their focus on God to remain strong. I need to not look at how well the ministry is going for them, and look deep into their life's (through relationships) and keep them encouraged. I know that this guy's wife never expected this when she went to North Central and met a young pastor in training! I've heard "It can happen to anyone" But I refuse to listen. It won't happen to those that never stray away, to those who dig deeper each day into God's word, to those who keep in honest communication with their savior. It won't happen to those who work hard to stay deeply madly passionately in love with their savior! And with God's help, it won't happen to us!

It stood up to all the hype!
Christmas was amazing. I really was so excited I was afraid I'd be let down (thoughts that should be taken captive). I woke up at 6:15 and Dave tells me to go back to bed and let the kids wake us up. I couldn't go back! So finally at 7, I went in and woke them! Great mom, huh?
We ran into the living room and Zech started sorting through them. He opened his Mr. Potato head first... he was so excited he was finished! Lily just tore through hers, didn't really care much about anything that she opened. She did really enjoy pushing her stroller around. That made her very happy. When she saw that she also got some bells, she was getting into the excitement!
Zech opened the computer, and then finally the planet hero! He was priceless! SO happy! We took it out as soon as possible and allowed him to play. "WHOA-OOOO Planet heros... jibber ganna save the day!" It was so great!
Then we went to Opa and Oma's house. He got the coolest movies (his favorite Toy Story... both of em!) and some shake and crash cars... oh my! Lily likes her electronic games too.
I had to go out and buy some totes just to store it all.
The week was just wonderful. Having Beckie and her new family here and sharing in Rachel's engagement. It was definately a Christmas to remember! I can't wait to scrap the page!
here's a pretty long slideshow... it was a long week!
And what a blessing of one as well!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Just one more Sleep!!!

Well, I guess I must sleep tonight, so thats 2 more sleeps UNTIL CHRISTMAS MORNING!
I really thought christmas morning and all the wonderful things that happen that morning was supposed to be more fun for the kids... I don't think so! As a mommy, it is DEFINATELY true, it is better to give than to receive! I am just overjoyed... and a bit over excited! I really don't even remember everything I got the kids. It's not a ton, but very fun things. I think I bought the toys when we had money, then the money ran out so the other things (like undershirts, socks, shoes, clothes) were not bought. So although I want to watch the materialism that happens at Christmas, and the notion that the kids need more toys, I think all that they will be opening is toys toys toys! And for Zech, they are really great toys! He is going to be SO excited! I just CAN NOT WAIT! I am getting into my crazy, I can't sleep mode! Its bad. I will be a zombie by Christmas night!
But who cares, thats part of the fun... I do some silly things when I get REALLY tired!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


There are many different ways to say "Mommy". There's the sweet gentle way they say it when they want to get out of bed in the morning. There's the distressed call of "MOMMMMMMY" in a panicy voice. There's the over and over and over... and over "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy..." I could go on! There's the Zech's "Mommy, Whatcha doin'" (which even though he says WAY too much, its still VERY cute! There's the first words "ma ma". and the not so pleasant grunting/mad/angry at the world "MOMMY!" Its not always the best name to be called. But, thats who I am. I am the one that helps them out of bed, the one that calms the storms (little baby storms), the annoyed one that has drowned out the repeating saying of my name. I am the busy one, the one in that new baby's gaze, and even the one they get mad at... and mine are all under 3.
Before I had babies, I was Stevie, or Sweetie, or Babe. I was Mrs. Ciske, Miss Stevie, or Hey You! Now, my only name is Mommy. I am sure people call me by other names, but the name of Mommy somehow is said a gazillion more times, a trillion times louder, and carried a ton more weight.
I used to pretend I had tons of babies. I never played "day care". I played "MOMMY". I loved the name. I couldn't wait to get older so that I could be one. It was my one desire. My only care about adulthood. I wanted to be married and be that man's Baby Mommy!
When Zech came, it took him forever to say it. I waited and waited. I am pretty sure he was like 18 months old before he said it. I melted. It was the prettiest name I'd ever heard. Then #2 came and it was her first word. now, its said at least 1 million times a day.
When naming my own children I made sure the names had such great meaning. Names that carried along with them blessings and direction. There is a lot in a name.
So praise God, My name is Mommy! I am just so blessed and so grateful for the title.
I love it when I am kissing Zech's face and in between gasps for breath and giggles he says "mommy!". I love it when Lily is looking for me saying "mama! Mama!" I love it when Zech says "Mommy, are you okay, are you hurt, are you sick..." Ilove it when Lily calls for me from her bed (not really at 2am, but in the morning). I love it when Dave says "Go show Mommy!"
I am humbled to have such a wonderful name!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Come on Lexi

Since my last post, this pooping thing has not stopped. Each morning the routine consists of getting lily up, fighting her squirm away as I TRY to keep poop off the floor, then she gets the bathtub as I rinse out her pants and onsies.
To top it off my Zech, who is potty trained, has it too. he just can't help it. He comes to me as if he's utterly disgusted with himself for pooping his pants,something he has been VERY good in not doing, but he can't remedy the situation. I think I like it better on the babies. The house wreaks! Butts are diaper rashed, and my hands are peeling from washing so often...
Seriously, Lexi, I do not mind losing this competition... I could use a break. Could you take over for a bit? Let your mommy clean it up! he he... just kidding, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy... maybe tomorrow is the day for normal poopies. And NO MORE POOPY POSTS!

Friday, December 07, 2007

To Beckie

A few days ago while at my MIL's house Beckie calls her mom (my MIL) to tell her this horrendous story about how Lexi had a bit of gas, but went to sleep so she "let sleeping babies lie" (Good girl, Beckie) but by the time she got her up she had pooped up her back under her arms and up her chest. I can hear MIL laughing in a sympathetic laugh. When she got off the phone we were talking about how horrible that is. I had mentioned how it never really happened to us. That Zech never did it, and Lily did a little once when Dave fed her an entire jar of prunes that morning.
Lily is a whinner. I've learned to drown it out and get her when its convienent to me. So she gets up super early this morning and is whinning. I let her whine and cry for about half an hour. I finally go in to get her. When I open the door the blast of foul odor reprimanded me for waiting so long. She was covered in poo! I carried her away from my body into the Living room where the diaper wipes were. HA! Diaper Wipes! This was a washcloth/bath job. So I carry her like she's toxic to the bathroom. Lay her down and begin... it was like one of those huge j0bs where you have to decide "WHERE DO I START?" I decided to get the chunks just so I could get her in the sink for her prewash for her bath. Its 6:30 AM! and she is fighting me tooth and nail. Does she really want to sit in this stuff forever? She should be thanking me! She is a year old, although very tiny, she is fiesty, and wiry and strong! I am exhausted! Finally its cleaned up, clothes and diaper bagged up, sheets changed. Dave walks in and is hit in the face as well with this gag reflexing odor. It was REALLY BAD! It was so bad she had a bit of diaper rash on her knees and thighs.
And, Beckie, if you haven't already learned as a mother, Moms are very competetive... SO
I WIN!!!! he he! I hope your beautiful baby girl isn't ever so foul!
Sorry no pictures, I didn't want poop on the camera! he he

Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!