Saturday, May 02, 2009

Some recent Kidisms...
Keeping in mind Zech is 4, Lily is 2 (going on 13)

Zech: He picks up the Cheez it box and asks me what they are (we don't normally get them, but they were on sale). I say "Those are Cheez its" Zech replies, "Oh, I didn't know they could put Jesus in a box". We now know how they get their cheesiness... Jesus can do all things! hehe!

Lily: Her new pants were sagging big time. I had asked her to pull her shirt up so I could see if they were sagging in the front, she didn't understand so I rephrased and said "Let me see your belly". She raises her shirt up and I see what I want and say "yep, they are falling off." She shrieks in horror "My BELLY IS FALLING OFF?! MY BELLY IS FALLING OFF?!"

Lily: After making some homemade bread with her mommy says "This bread is Crackilackin!" (From Madegascar)

Zech: He is giving me the synopsis of Wall E (as if I haven't seen it 8 million times). He says "Beware, NO Robots". I say, "ya know, I think they said Rogue Robots" He looks at me like I am a complete idiot and says "Why would they say Rogue? That is not even a word!" I have since tried to explain to him what Rogue means, he hasn't given in!

THERE ARE SO MANY MORE! If only I had hours to sit and write them... I remember them though, and will be making a book soon! hehe!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Ok I am laughing SO hard. So, if I come visit, will you ask me to lift MY shirt and then tell me MY belly is falling off? Cuz, ya, that would be so super awesome if it did! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!