Monday, May 04, 2009

Invisible Playthings

My kids have quite the imagination! They have these invisible play things. Sometimes its a baby, sometimes its an alligator, sometimes its "The Wild". It drives me nuts. One will have this "plaything" and the other will take it away, then the first child screams and cries because the other "took it away!" I try to convince them that they can manufacture another INVISIBLE-NON-EXISTENT toy, but it doesn't work that way!
Today, I snapped. I took their invisible toys away! I snatched those baby alligator wild things right out of their little hands and "THREW THEM AWAY" (which was really just behind me in that IMAGINARY trash can). Zech gives me this tiny smirk showing me that he completely understands that this is just a silly game... however, that also means he "steals" hers just to get her to scream and cry! Lily however is DEVASTATED! She is acting the same way she would if I went in her room with a trash bag and threw away her most favorite toys. It broke my heart.
So I explained to them that we don't take things away, and that we need to respect each other's toys (imaginary or not!) And then we dug it out of the "trash" so she could play with her... whatever-it-was-this-time toy. All was good in the Ciske home... then I looked up and noticed Dave staring at me. He's probably wondering "What in the world?" HA, the dramas of the invisible are still my problem!

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Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!