Saturday, July 19, 2008

He is a Genius!!!
Tonight was "playdough" night. It was a good way to wind down from a busy day so we sat at the table and played with the kits. Zech found one that hadn't been opened and asked if we could make it... this is what is was supposed to look like.

I am not an artist, and I warn him from the very beginning that I am not great at it but I will "try my best" (a lesson, right?). So I begin my sculpting best... reminding him it may not look identical.

At the same time, he has picked out some colors of his choice and wants to make one too. So I explain what I am doing so he can create along with me...

He is a genius! My mom and Sister are great artists and can mold, paint, draw with ease. Once at some mexican restaurant Zech was given some dough to play with and my mom whipped it into an airplane. Weeks later Zech screamed at my feet because I could not produce such great of an airplane. However, he was so pleased with his artwork tonight... and he should have been!!!

Oh yeah, thats mud his car is driving on. he insisted on having brown tires, brown man, and brown road... when I asked why the ground was brown , he cocked his head and reminded me that cars can drive in mud too!

He is only 3 years old... so this is huge for an artist idiot over here! Here is mine... which actually is my VERY best work... But Zech mimicked all I did, and I think he just did genius work!!!

Here is my request... if your 2 year old can do better... keep it to yourself! Right now, I think my baby is pretty talented,and would like to stay on my cloud nine! The pride he had in his work melted me! I let him stay up until Daddy got home to show him... however, he still wanted mine in the display funny. I am honored!

***Yes, I missed a Birthday blog... I just want it to accompany some pictures I take of him, so Dave's 30th birthday blog is to come! With GREAT pictures, I hope!***

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Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!