Tuesday, July 29, 2008
For Auntie Rachel's wedding, Dave is singing Celine Dion (well, Beckie sings that part) and Josh Groban's The Prayer (I don't think they are the original singers??)
So he's been practicing since its in Italian and Dave barely knows French after taking it in highschool... let alone picking up Italian in less than 2 months!
Zech thinks its pretty fun to hear Daddy sing jibberish. Zech is like "No big deal, I can sing jibberish!"
So we finally got it on video.
I guess you can't put Youtube videos on here... or I don't know how... so follow the link
And be sure to watch to the end... thats his best part!
Friday, July 25, 2008
A while ago when there was not enough cereal to make a complete bowl I started making a special snack for the kids. I'd mix really whatever I was running low on (Dry things only)in a big bowl and serve it as a snack. Now, its about all I make anymore. I specifically look for little treats that can be added to the "Funky Snack" as we now call it .
Recently Zech had a friend over to play and when I served Snack the boy said "What kind of snack is this?" Zech sat up proud and said "My mom made it!" I was very pleased. He explained "Its our funky snack". The boy actually loved it. They compared what they had in their mixture and what they were currently eating.
Ingredients for this particular "FUNKY SNACK"
- -Kix
- -Life Cereal
- -Quaker Oatmeal Bites
- -Baby goldfish
- -Goldfish pretzels
- -Sixlets
- -Raisins
And although you can't see it in Zech's bowl (because he eats it first) we can't have the funky snack without popcorn! And they LOVE when I put marshmallows in it (thats the special treat... more than the chocolate sixlets).
I think its kinda fun... They think its delicious, and I don't think they know how healthy it is! I am very pleased at how proud my kids are of it, and how happy it makes them!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I am in awe of my husband. I have been since our meeting, but even now thinking about him being "an older man" (which really, is 30 even "old"?) I can reflect back to when he was in his early twenties. We were getting married with so many dreams, and those dreams still exsist very much.
But he's grown so much as a man, just being a father. He's always been such a great husband to me, but to see him as a daddy to his kids, well lets just say I am amazed!
His immediate patience, soft spoken word, and fatherly embrace is everything I've ever dreamed about in a dad!
This man is amazing to me. He can get so upset, but listens to reason. I hear this isn't always a trait men have. He is "blessed" with a wife that is pretty outspoken, so when things don't seem right, the complaint is too often voiced. And he actually listens and thinks about it. And if it is something that should be changed, he changes... no glances back. If its something that I'm out of line in, he lets me know... thats good in my eyes!
This man is so amazing to me. He gives up sleep, money, food, comfort for the family. There are many times he has to stay up because I just can't keep my eyes open. He goes without so I can have some spending money (even when I don't realize he's gone without), he always gives me what I like even if its what he'd rather eat, and he ALWAYS lets me lay on the couch even if its not always comfortable for him... hehe!
But seriously, I don't just love this man because of all the things he does for ME! I love him for who he is.
I wanted to be sure to document this 30th birthday with a page in our yearly scrapbook, so I took some pictures... He sure is handsome too!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Tonight was "playdough" night. It was a good way to wind down from a busy day so we sat at the table and played with the kits. Zech found one that hadn't been opened and asked if we could make it... this is what is was supposed to look like.
I am not an artist, and I warn him from the very beginning that I am not great at it but I will "try my best" (a lesson, right?). So I begin my sculpting best... reminding him it may not look identical.
At the same time, he has picked out some colors of his choice and wants to make one too. So I explain what I am doing so he can create along with me...
He is a genius! My mom and Sister are great artists and can mold, paint, draw with ease. Once at some mexican restaurant Zech was given some dough to play with and my mom whipped it into an airplane. Weeks later Zech screamed at my feet because I could not produce such great of an airplane. However, he was so pleased with his artwork tonight... and he should have been!!!
Oh yeah, thats mud his car is driving on. he insisted on having brown tires, brown man, and brown road... when I asked why the ground was brown , he cocked his head and reminded me that cars can drive in mud too!
He is only 3 years old... so this is huge for an artist idiot over here! Here is mine... which actually is my VERY best work... But Zech mimicked all I did, and I think he just did genius work!!!
Here is my request... if your 2 year old can do better... keep it to yourself! Right now, I think my baby is pretty talented,and would like to stay on my cloud nine! The pride he had in his work melted me! I let him stay up until Daddy got home to show him... however, he still wanted mine in the display case...how funny. I am honored!
***Yes, I missed a Birthday blog... I just want it to accompany some pictures I take of him, so Dave's 30th birthday blog is to come! With GREAT pictures, I hope!***
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
This is just some random thoughts that have been going through this scatter-brained head of mine. I may not act completely scatter-brained, but if only you could hear my thoughts....
This last week I sat in the sound booth at church. it was very important that I pay attention and click the new screens as the worship team sang (for the congregation to see the words on our new PLASMA TVS). I knew that my mind should stay focused, and found myself making my vacation lists, my todo lists, and wondering if Zech had to pee. Seriously... Zech had an entire glass of lemonade before church. I had forgotten to tell the workers that he'd have to go pee. And then I worried they'd send him by himself and he'd come out half naked... something we are working hard on... modesty and privacy. My fingers methodically clicked the right buttons, my mouth sang the words, I feel my spirit worshipped, but my mind was racing with all these things that could have waited until later... Does this ever go away?
Today my mind has been spinning about this new word Zech picked up... MOM! He has decided he'd like to say MOM instead of Mommy. At first I was doing my hair this morning with Lily perched ever so annoyingly at my feet saying her usual "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" with no response to my "what, what, what?" I thought about just letting him call me Mom, I mean, it beats hearing Mommy twelve-hundred times a day, right? But the more he said it the more I got that lump in the bottom of my throat that made me want to cry... loud and hard. So I asked him, " Can you call me Mommy a bit longer?" He said yes, but he'd already formed the habit, so the entire day we had to have the discussion "Please don't call me MOM"! I think people in the stores thought he wasn't mine.
I've also laughed at the things I DIDN'T think about before letting them come out of my mouth today... I won't mention them all, but they are those things that you never thought you'd say... for example...
Don't put Chicken in your Sister's face!
You can't yank her legs!!!
Be gentle with that steering wheel, you might break it!
The list could be longer if this scatter-brain would let me think...
Well, even as I sit here, I have my mental list of things I must get done... this isn't one of them. Sorry if I scattered your brain just by you reading this!