Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The terrible Twos, the silly boy, and the thump thump thump!

So, lets get the negative out of the way. My poor sweet well behaved two year old is... well... how do I put this... TWO! I mean, she's been two for over 8 months now, but now you can really tell she's two. I thought maybe perhaps this curse of the twos would pass her up, but no, she's caught the bug, that horrible, nasty, terrible two bug! But I have to admit, I spend more time laughing at her than I did when we went through this the first time with the boy. She is nothing in comparison to what I went through the first time. Zech was so "fun". So fun that I found my self sitting on the front porch crying almost on a weekly basis. Trying to calm down before I flew off the handle. This time I am "seasoned", I am calm, I am humored. She wails and screeches, and even tries to hit me... where did this little girl come from? She's such a sweet precious spirit, I don't know this "ugly twin". But I laugh right through it reminding her that she has a long ways to go to push me out on that porch. So as I held her down in time-out, I remember holding Zech's door shut as I tried to feed poor lily about 2 years ago. And how the time was so stressful. I wasn't getting much sleep due to having a 3 mo old, and then when I was awake I was dealing with a strong willed 2 year old. And how now, as I readjust myself so I can hold her down without hurting her, or letting her hurt me I realize how different it is. I have a 4 year old who is laughing hysterically at his rage induced sister (which is probably why its hard for me not to laugh) and a baby growing within... I then realize I get to do this all over again in about 2-2.5 years! YAY! But as it seems its getting easier and easier, maybe next time the plague of the twos will pass right by us! MAYBE??

Zech is so funny these days. His personality always gets stronger when he's around all his cousins. We just got home from a visit with my sister and her kids along with my brother's little girl and at times various other children. My mom's living room at one point had 7 little ones under the age of 5. And there's Zech being the police patrol. Making sure no one takes toys from anyone else, and if they did he was right there to snatch it back and give it to its proper owner. He kept babies off the stairs, and dealt with behavior issues from his cousins. So funny, but a bit tiring. More and more of my personality coming out. I remember the days of feeling like no one followed the rules and how frustrated it made me! I could see the frustration in his face. And today as he guarded the trash can so Lily didn't throw a bowl away, he began the two year old fit... then laughed at it... He's so so so funny! or should I put quotes around it "funny!" Believe me, it is more funny than it sounds. And didn't I always say I liked chaos! maybe not THIS kind of chaos, but the good kind. Right?

Oh, and on to child #3... What a delight he is! I know I know I don't know (read that again, it sounds funny) that its really a BOY, but I am really really sure... as sure as I can be... watch, I'll be wrong (and if I am, I will say "I knew I was wrong all along!" hehe). I've felt the little flutters for a couple of weeks now, but recently I've felt that thump thump thump of kicks and jabs and overall movement and it brightens my day. I love it! Its my very favorite part of pregnancy. It does seem that this one is VERY VERY active. I mean, i am 16 weeks and already noticing a lot of activity. I'd assume you'd need to be active with those other two as siblings.
My belly grew even more. I got a new shirt from my mom and wore it last wednesday for the first time, then wore it again on Sunday (hey, don't judge me, I am limited on clothing!) and I called out to Dave that I thought I'd grown since wearing the shirt the first time. He came in and gasped "I'd say so! Man, your going to outgrow everything!" I am glad I love my husband, or I would have drop kicked him! hehe So, when I get my battery charger for my camera I will take a 4 month pic and post it... My former youth pastor said to me on Sunday "So, your due pretty soon, October, right?" I laughed and said "nope, not until January! I just look like I am 7 m preggers!" hehe! I don't mind. It doesn't offend me! I have big babies, and big bellies with them all! I love it! LOVE IT!


Steph said...


I have read some of your posts on the babycenter website and found your blog from there. Your blog and family are beautiful. I have recently had a miscarriage that sounds similar to yours and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering some questions that I have. I know it seem strange to answer questions from a complete stranger, but after searching the miscarriage forums for two weeks, you are the one that seems like they maybe able to help. I'm so happy for your new pregnancy and even if you don't reply, please know that you & your family are in my prayers. Thanks a million.


Amanda said...

Thank you for your post on babycenter...

"I had a D&C on march 27th (that is 16weeks ago tomorrow) I am currently 14w4d) I got pregnant RIGHT AWAY! My dr told us that we needed to wait a week before having sex after the D&C. He told us we could start trying right away. I looked it up online and mixed advice as to wait or not. I talked to my dr about it and he said it was perfectly safe, but hard to date the pregnany if you got pregnant immediately since there is no LMP to go by. He also said that getting a D&C is like "tilling the garden" and you can be VERY fertile right after so if your not ready, don't try! We were ready, and I plotted my temps so I could see when I Oed, so that I could date the pregnancy better. (You can try fertilityfriend.com for that). Don't expect to ovulate within 2 weeks, it took me 3 weeks and some days (like day 24 if I started counting the D&C as day one). But I got pregnant RIGHT away, and the baby has been very healthy and strong, and the dr has no reason to believe we won't deliver a happy healthy baby in January.

So, you will just need to make sure your ready, it can be scary being pregnant so soon, its like every little thing makes you worry because of past experiences being so close to home, and with barely any time in between. But for me (and I am speaking for myself here) it really helped me heal emotionally knowing I was getting a second chance.

GL, and I hope that whatever you decide will bring you joy and peace!

God Bless you,and your next little one!"

I know we don't know each other but I feel like I know you even though I don't really. I had a m/c July 1st along with a D&C. Well, I think there may be a possibility that I'm now pg again & I haven't even had AF yet. At first this was kinda exciting but then after asking/reading about when to TTC after a D&C (on another forum (see the 1st & 9th post)... http://www.justmommies.com/forums/f114-trying-to-conceive-after-loss/1649681-trying-to-conceive-after-d-and-c-question-update-post-9-a.html) I felt a sinking feeling & actually started feeling like I hope I'm not pg... mostly b/c I started feeling like by getting pg so quickly I may be putting my baby in harm's way (i.e. a greater chance of miscarrying this baby if I AM pg) & of course you, as a mama, know that we would never intentionally harm our babies. Anyway my feeling got me searching & I found this post.

Your post has really given me a sense of peace & I know the Lord is speaking to me through you. I saw that you are a fellow believer which to me means a lot... it gives me a greater sense that the Lord is speaking to me through you & it really is okay if I AM pg.

Oh & I noticed you were pg & due in January!!! Congrats! My angel's due date would have been January 16, 2010.

Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!