NEW ADVENTURESI sometimes struggle with the talents God has given me. I praise him for the ones that I am aware of. And without sounding braggadocios, I feel confident in my teaching ability, my ability to come up with lessons on a whim, and flow with Children's ministry... hense the reason I went to school to be a teacher. However, there are other things I want to do, I love to do, and I HOPE I've been blessed with the talent, yet I question on every turn.
Living here has been great for me. I will NEVER look back on our stay in Wisconsin and ask "I wonder why God sent us there". I always assume God sends us to where DAVE can minister. He is the pastor, our lives go for that direction. I am fine with that, I wanted that, I signed up for that. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt (FAR BEYOND) that one of the many reasons we moved here was for God to show me some things I CAN do.
I love taking pictures, I love looking at photography, I love capturing the exact essence of the mood with my camera. When Rachel got engaged I was asked to be the wedding photographer. The Ciske family has confidence in me, and in that talent that maybe I don't even realize I have at times. I have wonderful subjects most of the time, so I always think the pictures are gorgeous. But they see something in me that I don't always see in myself. They make me feel like MAYBE
maybe I could go into business doing this.
So, its wedding week. I've been online studying technique and poses. I've played with everything about my camera I will EVER understand, and have (not your fault, Rachel) lost sleep over this! I am scared out of my mind. I am nervous to the point I may pee my pants. I am so afraid her day will not be recorded correctly. The day is fast approaching. I have 4 days 18 hours!
And then I am reminded through that wonderful God I serve, of the principle we've been teaching our kids on a daily basis.
Zech says "I can't!" and I remind him (as he quote the verse from memory now!)
Why worry, when that doesn't make a better photography. I live for God, I love for God, I will work for God. He will take care of the talent, the inspiration, and the confidence. He will make me a better photographer!
Colossians 3:17 "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
1 Corinthians 10:31 "So whether you eat or drink or whatever (
photography) you do, do it all for the glory of God." (
photography added :))
So, I will stop. I will pray. I will do it for God's glory!