Lately life has been pretty good. Not that its not always good, but things seem different. The kids are being really well behaved, we are getting things done (the house has stayed clean for 10 days straight!) I feel like I have extra energy... things are good.
I've been really disciplined in my morning devotions. It started that I got up early to watch this little girl. While I waited for her to arrive I sat and did my devotions. Before that I was disorganized with them. I would get them done, but many times they were rushed or done everyday at different times. Now, every morning before the kids get up. The girl no longer comes, but the blessings from God do! I really think that being organized in my devotional walk makes a difference in me.
I don't get as frustrated as easily at the craziness of the kids. They seem to be in better moods the more organized things get. We are playing great games, and Zech is singing his worship songs all the time. He cracks me up with his own renditions of our cute little kids church worship.
J-E-S-U-S He's my Lord and King!
Sing hallelujah, shout Amen!
The lord your God will be with you... wherever you go!
I am trying to get a video made soon!
I don't have much to say, but some pics to share... aren't they cute? How can't life be good!?
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