Tuesday, January 01, 2008

7 Years Ago

7 years ago today, I was heading to my hairdressers with so much excitement and anticipation! Not because I was going to get my hair done "Just perfect" but because I was 8 hours from becoming a WIFE!
I woke up that morning from a nightmare that they had played "Who let the dogs out" as I walked down the isle. Then I jumped up and began going over my checklist.

  • Make the boutonnieres

  • Make the bouquets

  • get My hair done

  • pick up the Subway sandwiches

  • Get my dress on

  • Get Married

It was the perfect part of my fairy tale! The end to much planning, the beginning of a life I could never even imagine would be so awesome! I walked down that isle with the biggest smile I've ever had. I was very happy and overwhelmed having my children, but there was just as much worry and concern at their births. The wedding day however had no concerns, no worries, no reservations. I knew he was the perfect man. The most wonderful husband for me!

That first year we loved every minute of being together. I remember thinking it was like a never ending sleepover (WITH A BOY!) We'd stay up late, and wake up together with such anticipation of what would happen next. Everyone had told us that the 1st year would be horrible. We set out to prove them wrong... and we succeeded with flying colors. We managed our home together, combined our schedules, and was on a track of wedded bliss.

That second year we moved to St. Louis. The month of April was the worst month of our lives. We had gone through a major decision process together with no problems, but once we got there we couldn't figure out how to adjust to our new roles in full time ministry. God quickly helped us through and we grew in leaps and bounds not only in God but in our marriage as well.

Our third year we decided to have a baby. It took the entire year! I never questioned that Dave was the one I should marry, but I was so worried we would never share a child together.

Our fourth year, we became parents! What a great adventure! That year was very rough on us ministry wise. It was great to have a family to ease us through the other very difficult time!

Our fifth year was spent very far from any of our friends and family. We had to solely rely on each other. We'd already built such a great foundation of communication that it came very easy for us. We truly were the best of friends. Not that we became best friends that year, we had always been, but we really realized how great that friendship was!

Our 6th year we added Lily to our crew! And moved again, and went into a totally new lifestyle. It was very comfortable. And we began to realize that we were getting TOO comfortable even in our marriage. We began to add things to make sure we weren't simply co-existing, but were continuing to grow as a couple. It started to begin towards the end of this year...

NOW, our 7th year! Oh, I can just see how it will flourish! We've NEVER had a bad marriage. We've always had very great communication. We've always had very much fun! But we want to spice things up this year! More dates, more one on one time, even if its here at home. We want to be closer than ever before! I look forward to every day of it!

I married the man of my dreams. Everyday something happens that reminds me of the perfect match we make! He is my best friend, my comforter, and advice giver. He is the best daddy, and all my friends envy me because of him. (I really like that!)

I've lived the dream for 7 years! And it doesn't look like I'll be waking up anytime soon!

Happy Anniversary, Baby!

1 comment:

JCsings4Him said...

Happy Ani-ver-sa-ree...Happy Ani-ver-sa-ree..Happy Ani-ver-sa-ree...
HAAAAAAAPY Aniversa-ree!!!

We are SO blessed to have you in our lives...we thank God every day that He brought you and David together. You ARE the perfect match!!!

I'm sorry your flowers didn't arrive on time...guess I'll have to hurt someone!

Love you...BDILE!!!

Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!