Wednesday, November 05, 2008


So we have a new president. And history was made. Barack Obama is our new president. He is our first African American president, and for the last statement I am a bit proud to be alive, to see our first black president. It makes me feel like maybe things have changed drastically enough to feel proud about. The first statement makes me feel sad. I am sad that it had to be HIM. I have so many reasons for not voting in that direction, and I am proud to say none of my reasons had anything to do with his race. Nor did it have to do with Sarah Palin's gender. Those are not issues for which a person should make a decision at the voting booths. The issues they support should be the deciding factor. And what is conflicting me is that. Did people come out to vote for Obama based on his stance on the issues, or based on his race? Did people go out an vote for McCain for nothing more than the fact that he WASN'T black? Its hard to know. I just know that there have been bad presidents before, and God has still been in control. Not that I KNOW Obama will be a bad president, I don' t dare to know that! But I am sad for the babies that have no chance with him, the ideas he has about the money we all work hard to earn, and sad that we have a president with such little experience. But I am happy to know that God is in control! And maybe now race won't be such an issue.

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Colossians 3:17

If your ganna do something, DO IT RIGHT! Glorify HIM!